UNABANDONED >:D's profile picture

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Category: Friends

hey! things about me

Hi! Just got a new account, and thought I might make an... Introduction? Of sorts so I can find friends on here!

things about me:

My name is Dog (on the nose but I like it), I'm nonhuman, and I'm the host of a system! I like to write, make weird food, and make friends! I have an autism (so I'll probably talk about the same things like a broken record, but in my defense they're cool things!) and an ADHD. I am pro self-dx, so if you aren't, don't be a dick and just leave me be. Actually, if you disagree with me on my stances and you're mad, just leave me alone. Being a dick to me is only going to get you mocked relentlessly by a mutt on the internet.

kinds of people I think are cool:

  1. Fellow artists!
  2. Self-dx people (because hey! Me too!)
  3. other nonhuman/alterhuman people (otherkin and fictionkin included!)
  4. aspec folks (because again! Me too!)
  5. queers of all kinds, I'm not one to hate
  6. Neopronoun users and xenogender users!
  7. writers, poets, fanfiction authors
  8. Furries (hi! Also me!)
  9. Other neurodivergent/mentally ill people

Kinds of people I don't want to interact with (and why):

  1. People against any of the people I want to interact with (because we just won't really get along)
  2. People who post about harmful/non-consentual paraphilias (no shade to you guys, it's just a lot of non-consentual paraphilias trigger me, and I'd rather not have a panic attack rn)
  3. furry "hunters" (honestly fuck you guys the furry you're being a dick to will always be cooler than you)
  4. pedophiles/"MAPS" (a: I'm a minor. b: just. no.)
  5. people against self-dx (a lot of people can't afford an official diagnosis, plus a lot of mentally ill and neurodivergent people will be unfairly discriminated against in the mental health department)
  6. anti-kin (I mean. Look at my intro. Look at me. I think this one is obvious.)
  7. Queer exclusionists (again, look at me. I think it's pretty obvious why this is on here.)
  8. "alpha males" and/or Andrew Tate simps (lmao small dick problems. Not me I don't have that problem on account of having Schrodinger's dic-)

Well, hope you and I can get along, and maybe even become friends!

Happy travels!

   -- Dog

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