Bakartridge's profile picture

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Category: Romance and Relationships

I dont get why everyone is so obsessed over relationships

The title kinda says it all honestly. I don't get why people act like getting in a relationship is such an important part of life, complete with stigmatizing single people and/or those who just aren't interested in being in one. Especially when it comes to high school, people make such a big deal about being some loser if you're not in one. Plus people beat themselves up about not being in relationships, sometimes to the point where it just flat out ruins their lives. And if you ARE in a relationship, so many things can go wrong and the person you date could end up becoming some psycho. So then it's just endless drama (trust me, I'd know since my family members deal with that shit constantly).  Personally, I'd rather worry about myself (and others) being well mentally and in other areas before I even THINK about dating someone. And that's not even getting into having kids which is another massive can of worms that I don't feel like going into right now (maybe in another blog later though). I just think relationships are a lot of effort and money to spend for little payoff.

But then again I'm a lone wolf (no pun intended) and I'd rather be alone for a while, so I probably don't have a right to talk about this. But I question it anyway.

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astrlkiss's profile picture

i dunno
there's a lot of ppl who just talk to me saying how devastated they are about not being in a relationship. like omg you're like 14 relax pls :|
i guess the media has a lot engraved into younger generation's heads. though, I personally am in a relationship, it's not like it's something so vital to me. It's just connection and maturity. I think many younger generations see adults in relationships and desire to come into adulthood quickly. I mean I guess that's my take on it but I can proudly say I never tried to look for a relationship. If someone cam support you without needing to be in your personal bubble than that's cool yk?

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eggbaskit's profile picture

i thought this too, including "how do ppl just love some rando like that unconditionally???" later i realized i was aromantic

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pamsh's profile picture

High school is a small world where everyone has a small cup to fill. You're wise to work on you before considering the next step. Also a lone wolf and keeping that way, though I did date for a time. (Now, back to my scribbles)

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✧༺♥ophelia♥༻✧'s profile picture

its cause im a hoe

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SherbetToons's profile picture

As an aromantic asexual person, I relate. I don't see myself ever dating anyone at all. I'm fine just having friends. There's no reason why friendships should be treated as "lesser" than romantic relationships, they can be the most meaningful connections in many people's lives, and that shouldn't be underestimated.

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SephSatxnic's profile picture

Honestly, I can understand. I was in a relationship before and it was complete dumpster fire before going into relationship make sure you know this person VERY VERY WELL. or you'll end up suffering like me. After the relationship broke, I was feeling soooo awful, like I felt dependant on someone one loving me but months after I completely escaped these thoughts and I feel glad that I broke up actually.

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x_x's profile picture

I understand where you’re coming from. It’s crazy to me how some of the people I talk to are obsessed with the idea of getting into a relationship. As you said, it gets to the point where they beat themselves over NOT being in one. There are multiple of pros that can come with being on a relationship, but along with that comes multiple of cons. Emotional intimacy, company, and so on and so forth. Although it’s a nice idea, those people could very well be the craziest mofos you’ve ever met too.

People could just be afraid of being alone or thrive off of the idea of being loved too. There’s soooo many possibilities. Either way, I relate to you and I do agree with you! :)

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Legacy Wolf

Legacy Wolf's profile picture

I feel the same tbh, also I think high school students' relationship obsession is probably why they aren't interested in making friends anymore. Like, outside of mySpace I don't even have any female friends, cuz they think the only thing they could have with a male is a relationship... I know this is stereotyping, so no offense to anyone, but it still makes me mad

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f8restt's profile picture

I felt this way for so long and then I realized I was asexual! Not saying that you definitely are, but these are feelings that are pretty common in aromantic, asexual, or similar sexualities!

Not wanting to be in a relationship is completely understandable, and once you get our of high school I find that it becomes less of a big deal. Finding friends or family members you really care about is equally as valuable <3

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✯xX_d34dbunn1_Xx✯'s profile picture

Well it kind of is. Relationships are an important part of being human and very important for our mental well being. We are society creatures.

I don't believe in marriage but I believe in relationships. being with someone you truly care about is the best thing ever and hurts even more when you eventually leave each other.

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Macky's profile picture

honestly same, never really been in a relationship. It's cool being single, you can enjoy your own time.

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Galpacho's profile picture


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Yes. :3

by Bakartridge; ; Report

Yes :D

by ✯xX_d34dbunn1_Xx✯; ; Report

i think you mistakenly replied to me again lol :P. (there are "add reply" button to each comment)

by Galpacho; ; Report

No I'm a different person lol

by ✯xX_d34dbunn1_Xx✯; ; Report

oh lol, well this is awkward

by Galpacho; ; Report