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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

hot girl lesson 1: self-love

hey everyone! this is my first SpaceHey blog (and my first blog i've ever written lmao), and i'm very excited to talk about my favorite subject: self-love. this is one of the most important things to have. when you love yourself, inside and out, you become a more likable person to yourself and others. if you are spiritual person, it also makes you more closely connected to the divine, especially your divine self. and if that isn't wonderful enough, self-love often makes you more attractive to other people! the people you surround yourself with or see on a day-to-day basis will start to notice your new found confidence, and they will naturally become more attracted to you! but how does one practice self-love? here are a few ways to become more confident in yourself:

1) take care of yourself first - make sure you are taking time our of your day to practice personal hygiene, say positive affirmations, and allow yourself to let go of any doubts in yourself. meditation helps with this more than you would think! but if you don't practice meditation, simply taking a self-care bath or giving yourself genuine compliments in the mirror can help too.

2) surround yourself with positive people - those who uplift you and make you feel comfortable around them often make for good friends! also, people that have a lot of self-love can influence you to be more confident in yourself as well.

it's getting late where i am so this will be the end of my entry, but i hope this reaches the right people who are in need of some self-love. love you all!!!! :)

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