pqGatito901's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

Me - Along with thoughts on the state of spacehey as a newbie.

Srry no face just yet. Took this around December while house sitting for my parents (out on vaycay) Hairs MUCH longer now XD. Add if you like or just stare either way im vibing ^^ trying to post more here cos why not? 

Really trying to get myself on here for good. I understand to new and older users alike that it seems bleak here. I feel like we need to just reach out more and be open to each other :) it isn't like twitter where content is being shoveled into your mouth. Ppl forget that the internet used to be slow like that, having your day then coming home to just scroll scroll scroll.. If ur cool, reach out to me, or anyone for that matter. 

1 Kudos


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