ellie ☆'s profile picture

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Category: Friends

isle of misfit vent app users (find your lost mutuals?)

hello! i am one of many people who is migrating to spacehey after the sudden wrongful death of an app called vent. just today, we found out that the app would be nuked on the 28th of this month-- only for the app to seize up & stop working, like, an hour later.

it's entirely possible it might fix itself soon, long enough for us to data transfer & share our new/alternative socials... but it's also possible it won't.

so i wanted to create a blog post perhaps geared at helping people find one another. maybe it won't make a difference, but maybe it will! maybe no one sees this. maybe a ton of people do. i have no idea how spacehey algorithm works...


i was @ellie on vent! what was your handle? who do you miss the most? who are you looking for, so maybe we can try to find them together?

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N i n g g u a n g

N i n g g u a n g's profile picture

I'm still finding out bits and pieces about what happened@@; I was .starlights on vent, but i actually got rid of the app bc I wasn't on it much, and now its gone. I only had a few moots, but I'm sure I'll find them in due time

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Bitty's profile picture

hi! i'm bitty and i was .bittle on vent--feel free to add me on here even if we weren't muts before ミ☆

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lua's profile picture

my name's sunny / mike and i was .wheeIer (fake L) on vent!! i didn't have that many muts but i don't think i got to add everyone before vent took a dump... i'm gonna miss many people, even people i still know...

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willsie ♡

willsie ♡'s profile picture

i was .byers on vent!! i used to go by .dearie as well :'') 💖 i'm really gonna miss vent for a long time to come... it's been a part of my life for almost 8 years so seeing it die like this feels almost like losing a part of my life, like the end of an era. i'm really anxious that i might never find some of my mutuals again (unless vent fixes itself) so if someone recognizes me please don't be afraid to send a request, i wanna stay in touch with as many of my muts as i possibly can!! ;_;

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omg!! i remember you! i was mak

by mak; ; Report

AAH YEAH, HI MAK!! i saw your comment so i sent a friend request! :'')

by willsie ♡; ; Report


𝔻 𝕆 𝕄's profile picture

i was .D ! man, i'm really gonna miss vent. i've been on there since 2014, it's been something i stuck with for the good part of 9 years and i grew up with it/the community in my life

i'll miss it but i'm grateful for the memories and the support it gave me when i needed it most

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i'd been there for ages as well!! since before 2016 i believe, but my memory issues make it hard to place. before un trading, before they allowed you to buy inactive uns ... before groups, before they let people suggest emotions ... god, it's gutwrenching. im glad we can all reach out to one another at least!

by ellie ☆; ; Report

greatest detective !!

greatest detective !!'s profile picture

I was .rampo, I'm gonna miss everyone tbh.. and having cute defaults =( my friend made this group -> https://groups.spacehey.com/ripvent maybe pass it around!!

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tysm!! ^^ i went ahead and joined it, i appreciate you sharing! i will also miss the aesthetic of vent! as well as how intimate/cozy it felt...

by ellie ☆; ; Report