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Category: Blogging

DNI List

So I’ve seen some people doing DNI lists, honestly most of them so far were like wtf am I looking at type stuff, so I decided to make one of my own. This is just what I believe if you don’t like it carry on, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


People who can’t handle other peoples opinions

People who judge based on looks

Overly optimistic (I’m sorry it’s just… why like pls.)

People who enjoy modern rap (I’m certainly one to talk since I like hardcore edm music so we can both bash each other on that)

People who sleep with bras on (are you ok)

People who don’t have a inner monologue (be gone npc)

People who prefer pads over tampons (again are you ok)

People who put milk before the cereal

People who don’t blast their music full volume and ensure their going to be deaf in their 20s

People who like polka (I’m banishing you to hell)

People who talk as if their some wise old man who’s had 80 years of life experience to their name (I’m guilty of this)

People who don’t like lizards (how)

People who don’t understand jokes or sarcasm (guilty)

People who take everything to seriously (like chill)

People who have bleached their hair more then 3 times (I’m sorry but half y’all’s hair feels like hay barrels)

People who act to much like a stereotypical Emily (I’m all for people being themselves but at some point just mind y’all’s business) 

People who don’t like nature 

People who aren’t fascinated with space, the meaning of life, life itself, and other nerdy shit (if you are pls be my friend)

People who worry about what people think of them (honestly most people don’t care tbf, start doing what you want live your life be free who cares? After all you’ll probably never see or interact with most those people again so go be you!!!)

People who make a DNI list but say the most vile homophobic and immature things 

People who don’t support science 

People who like to solve those puzzles that come in pieces you put together to make a picture (again again are you ok?)

People who aren’t chronically online (get with the times my guy)

People who think all furries are sexually attracted to animals

People who think furries in fur suits are harmful or dangerous

A lot of these are satire jokes, but some of these are serious. I’m relatively new to this platform, but unfortunately in my time here already I’ve seen a lot of harmful and vile stuff. My take is, if you don’t support people being who they are (if it’s not harming anything or anyone or themselves) then stop hating on people who are just living their lives! Who are you to judge someone for using pronouns they are comfy with, what right do you have to judge them? 

People. Let others. Live. Their. Lives. If it bothers you go on your way, chances are you’ll never encounter them again. What comes from calling people slurs? Nothing but negativity, drama, and hatred. What comes from not bothering the person and letting them be who they are? NOTHING! Your saving yourself unnecessary drama, that person unnecessary hate, and nobody is upset, hurt, or hated on.

Now most of this probably will go unread and I understand this blog post probably won’t have any effect on anything, but my point here is; you live on a planet, in a universe that’s ever expanding, in a country, in a province, in a city and in a house. You sleep on your bed, you live and encounter thousands of people, on a planet with a rising population with billions of people who all have their own thoughts, opinions, beliefs, everyone all on this tiny little planet. Is your hatred towards someone being themselves on this planet, JUST LIKE YOU ARE, going to mean anything? Will it do anything? What will come from it? Nothing but unnecessary negativity. We already live in a world that is full of cruelty and injustice regardless of region. Don’t be another added person to fuel that fire. Dont be another person to put someone down simply for living just like you are. Be you. But be you in a way where you don’t fuel that unnecessary hatefulness that surrounds us all. Show people that your better then the others that spread nothing but unnecessary negativity. 

If anyone bothered to read all that, thank you, and if you agree seriously be my friend I need more friends that think like I do. Have a good day y’all and go be your dazzling self you marvelous creature :)

2 Kudos


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fork and knife

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omg what kinda edm do u listen to?? do u have any fav artists??

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Most of my edm is trance or hardstyle but I’m also big on dubstep, house, and extratone. I usually listen to sun zero project, the prophet, zatox, teevez, pegboard nerds, pretty much anything under monster cat, infected mushroom, angerfist, s3rl, knife party, and like trillions more. What kinda edm do you like ???

by Jen; ; Report

OOH IVE NEVER MET ANYONE THAT LISTENS TO ZATOX!!! their music is so dope 38)
i listen to all sorts of hardcore techno?? mostly just the fast and loud stuff like speedcore, extratone, shitcore, amenbreak, and all sorts of harstyle and gabber!! my main go-to's at the moment are dj kurara, rumbleragga, grawrlix, lapfox discography and srgt.moon!!

by fork and knife; ; Report

DAMMNN I’ve never heard half of any of those artists before, this is like some edm discovery dream. I have a playlist full of edm songs, well over 500 edm songs from popular artists to artists that literally have 20 subs, so hearing of artists I’ve never heard of before is like a gold mine for my playlist. I’m gonna check out some of those artists, but HELL YES Zatox has some of the best edm music out there. My favorite is either hero or wolves by him but also to be fair I haven’t explored all his music. Though the ones I know from him their literal ear blessings

by Jen; ; Report