silly thoughts :P

What is the point of existing if we have no purpose for doing so? What good is living if we don't have anyone, or anything, to live for?

Is it not obvious? We have nothing, so why bother? Is it truly that hard to comprehend that ideology?

I just want one, if any, good reason to keep living on this earth, any reason at all to keep me from giving up. Perhaps friends? Maybe, if not limited, family?


It's the knowledge that if I go down, this whole world is going down with me. I may be insignificant now, but perhaps my inevitable demise will finally get people to notice me. To recognize my name.

Because that's all I want.

To be seen.

To be heard.

To be confronted and to be told that I, Axelinith, am not alone.

But until then, all I'm doing is prolonging fate.

And I don't know how much longer I can put up with this.

1 Kudos


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oxygenatedMoron's profile picture

I feel you homie...

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haha thanks man, in all honesty I was just bored and felt like writing out my feelings in a silly poetry way, glad I could reach out and find people who feel the same way I do lol

by Axelinith; ; Report


pionoplayer's profile picture

I don't know how much this will help, but I hope it does a little.

The world is not going to give you a purpose. There may opportunities, doors opened for you to walk through, but in the end that is a hole there to fill ourselves. To the world existing itself is purpose enough itself, a gift to be taken advantage of in whatever awful circumstances it may be.

I can't give you a hug, or the close comfort of someone who will say they care about you and then follow up on it. The former would require many things I can't do, the latter is such a rare and horribly precious treasure. But there are things to fight for, things to live for. A good meal, laughs even with those you don't know well, to create something just to make the world a more beautiful place, to provide the hand another stranger needs to pull themselves out of the cold waters.

Tomorrow can be better. It might not be, but every single tomorrow has that chance as long as you're still fighting for it. And eventually, one of those tomorrows will be the one you needed, and every tomorrow before it will have been a step towards not needing to fight for your right to be happy anymore.

I may not know who you are intimately, I don't have a face or a name to put to these words on my screen. But you aren't alone.

There are other people fighting this battle too, and I hope that you will make it to the other side in one piece.

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I really appreciate that. I've been struggling a lot more recently than I have ever been in my life, and I'm so glad that reaching out through this sort of format of writing is actually getting my message across. Thank you.

by Axelinith; ; Report

Of course, I've been there before, I know how hard and dark it can be. I'm glad that a few words from me can help, even just a little. Good luck out there.

by pionoplayer; ; Report

Thank you so much, and same goes for you. :]

by Axelinith; ; Report