4AM sleepy thoughts.
I do sometimes wonder why we live in a world where we have to work hard, sometimes unnecessarily hard to get what we want in life. I wish it could be technologically possible to create some kind of world and your own rules that a thing created by humans called society cannot control.
Sometimes I like to think that this world does have those powerful "resources" that you can get if you're creative enough and have certain skills. Such as cables.
When I touch my guitar's cable, it makes a different sound, even though this might not seem like a big deal, I do think there's something quite interesting how a living being (a human) can touch something and make an effect just by a simple touch.
So, do you think that, if those little things are possible, that could mean "we" are capable to do more. Everything seems possible at this point.
[ 02/18/2060 • 17:20 ]
[Written in 02/10/2060.]
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