updated whenever i feel like it xD
spinning pfp:
yk, on like ppls profiles... the pfp spins in a circle
[copy and paste the code into your profile]
@keyframes spin{
from{ transform:rotate(0deg); }
to{ transform:rotate(-360deg); }
.general-about .profile-pic img{
border-radius: 50%;
animation: spin 7s infinite linear;
star shaped pfp
makes your pfp a star
[copy and paste code into profile]
@keyframes spin{
from{ transform:rotate(0deg); }
to{ transform:rotate(-360deg); }
.general-about .profile-pic img{
border-radius: 50%;
animation: spin 7s infinite linear;
have autoplaying music
[copy and paste into your profile]
(replace XXX with a link to your yt video. must be in embed form.)
<iframe width="0" height="0" src="XXX//?&;amp;;autoplay=1&;loop=1&;controls=1" title="wonderland showtime" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy">
put an img on your profile
idk how to explain this one lol , just replace XXX with a img link
position: relative;
margin-top: 30px;
.general-about .profile-pic::before{
content: '';
background: url('XXX') no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
display: block;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
z-index: 999;
position: absolute;
top: -43px;
left: -32px;</style>
custom cursor
go to the website www.cursors-4u and pick a cursor! this is the one currently on my profile.
<style type="text/css">* {cursor: url(https://cur.cursors-4u.net/anime/ani-11/ani1068.cur), auto !important;}</style><a href="https://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2011/02/24/usagi-sailor-moon-pen-handwriting.html" target="_blank" title="Usagi Sailor Moon - Pen Handwriting"><img src="https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Usagi Sailor Moon - Pen Handwriting" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>
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Thank you so much <3