alucard ✮'s profile picture

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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

y2k fonts for your layout! ★彡

hello everyone! 

i've put together a pastebin with links to y2k fonts. you can copy the links and insert them into your code for your layouts. the pastebin also has a link to the picture below to preview the fonts, so you can see which ones you want, and which to copy.

font previews

here is the pastebin link.

to import a font in your layout:

copy and paste this into your 'about me' section (remember to put source codes around it!):

@font-face {

    font-family: 'XXX';

    src: url('YYY');


replace the XXX with the font name and replace the YYY with the font's url from the pastebin.

then you can use it like you would normally use an imported font, but this way you don't need to type in the second family (cursive/serif/etc)! 

    font-family: 'XXX';

use that line in the source tags of the place you want your font.

an example:

@font-face {

    font-family: 'Vampires';

    src: url('');


/* this adjusts the size/font of your name */


font-size: 50px !important;

font-family: 'Vampires';

text-transform:uppercase !important;

padding-left: 7px !important;


*note: put all of that in style tags!

*note 2: some fonts are bigger than others even at the same pixel size. you may have to adjust the pixel size for each font separately. for example, the pocketball font at 14px is much bigger than the Cageroll font at 14px.

i hope you find this useful! it took me a long time to put together, so leave a comment if you use it!

have a good day <3

55 Kudos


Displaying 8 of 8 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Wanii's profile picture

Mine isnt working please help

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mimistar05's profile picture

using thank you!!

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Pon_chik's profile picture

i am using it! thank you!!)

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Taterinx's profile picture

Used! Super cute and well put together

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mei's profile picture

omg ty! this is exactly what i needed

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np! i'm glad someone will use it :)

by alucard ✮; ; Report

Alveus Nosville

Alveus Nosville's profile picture

that's a very intresting choice of a post background image.

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it was the background of my layout when i posted it, so i just matched the blog entry to my layout. that's my mannnn

by alucard ✮; ; Report

Can't blame you if I'm doing the same I guess.

by Alveus Nosville; ; Report

ryan ☆ (miw BRAINROT)

ryan ☆ (miw BRAINROT)'s profile picture

thank u sm for this omg

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np! i'm glad you like it! ^^

by alucard ✮; ; Report


monte's profile picture

hey! i was thinking ab using one of these fonts on my page bcus they're just too cute, but i was wondering how to actually put the code onto my page?! would it be b4 my layout txt or after my layout txt? any help would be appreciated, thank you!

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it can be anywhere as long as it's in between two style tags. personally i put the imported fonts at the top of my code so it's easy to find if i add stuff to the code at the bottom. are the instructions i gave too confusing? let me know exactly what youre struggling with pls. thx!

by alucard ✮; ; Report