Where do you fellow goths, punks, scene kids, and emos get your clothing?

I'll be honest, I'm pretty new to the whole fashion scene of alt culture. I have no idea where to get started. I live in the deep south so finding anything tasteful while thrifting is pretty rare. Pls help!

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foxlore 🍉

foxlore 🍉 's profile picture

if youre lucky thrifting, im lucky and sometimes get stuff from friends and my dad
online shops are also pretty good! if youre european EMP! american hot topic, sometimes you can find stuff on amazon but you can aslo try ebay n stuff

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Alyxsa's profile picture

Thrifting is where I find most of my stuff, but u have to be patient and rlly look
You could also try online second hand shopping.
At first when u start out it kinda sucks cuz u don’t have a big wardrobe, but if u just keep building ur WD over time, it’ll be worth it!

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myrderbats's profile picture

I'm none of these, but I have experience in the punk community and I am a metalhead. For a lot of subcultures, customization is key. Thrifting old clothes and then reworking them yourself into something. If you don't know how I recommend learning to sew. It will be really helpful. Besides that, you can tend to find some things second-hand online. I know at least in the punk community that affordability is key. It was built on the backs of the working class. So making things yourself and altering things is important. There are guides online you can find for help. Hope this helps at all.

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kuromiemoXD's profile picture

besides for thrifting, there are good products if you look up y2k on amazon

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