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Category: Blogging

Does anyone happen to know about Living Dead dolls??

I was going through our attic and found one of the dolls, Sadie I think her name is. She’s from 2003 and I can barely find anything online about them and the producers. We found one and a half of her two outfits, we’ll probably search for the rest later. 

One problem - her leg is detached and it won’t go back on. Does anyone know how to fix this?? I feel like this could be a collectible and Id hate to have broken her!! I don’t know anything about doll repair, and I have no idea where to ask, especially with this specific doll. Everything else about her is in pretty good shape, bar her hair being a little tangled. 

I doubt that much will come of this, but it’s worth a shot :)

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iridescent's profile picture

i'm not super educated on living dead dolls, but i went poking around at some custom videos and it seems they have ball and socket joints, which are an absolute pain sometimes. i'd recommend taking a stab at heating up the socket with a hair dryer so it's more pliable and the leg can pop into place easier.

as for collectability, i know quite a few people do actually collect them and they're a little more pricey than most other dolls of that sort. you can find a decent amount of people interested in them on twitter/instagram and there's a facebook group or two dedicated to collectors as well. the official site has an archive of all the dolls & bios, and there's also a fandom wiki with a bunch of random info on it.

sorry if this reply is a little late lol i'm not on spacehey as much as i could be

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hi sorry for pretty much forgetting I made this post but thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to write this, it really does help a lot and I appreciate all the advice !! :)

by tay !!; ; Report

no problem!

by iridescent; ; Report