February 14th 2023

Happy Valentines day!  

I know I haven't been updating recently and that's my fault.  I've been busy but then again I'm the one making plans.  Since it's been so long since I last updated I'm just going to list some more major things rather than give detailed accounts of each day.

-Had my nine month anniversary with my lover

-My lover has a new truck

-My lover accidentally elbowed me so hard in the nose that my piercing scratched it and I started bleeding

-I lost more weight

-I still hate my job and am applying to new places

-Tax returns came back and I'm using them to go to school

-I have a psychological evaluation tomorrow that I hope I fail so they let me go

On to today.

Today I did not want to go to work, but I got ready and went anyways.  Pay day was today and I feel rude not going into work the day I get paid.

My work day started off with Theo telling me and one of my coworkers to remove the metal detectors from the front office since we didn't use them anymore.  It was supposed to be a simple and easy tasks but the nuts securing the bolts wouldn't come up; they just kept spinning.  After about ten minutes of trying to fight with them, another coworker came in with the saw-zaw and cut them from the floor instead.

After we removed the detectors we went on a "smoke break."  The new building manager should be in any time soon and one of the rules of the company is that we can't have our phones in the building because of client information, even though we work maintenance.  

Theo and a few other of my coworkers are smokers so when they take smoke breaks the rest of us do too just to sit on our phones in our cars.

I used my time wisely and called a few offices I applied to check on my applications.  I've heard some people say they don't call places they've applied to because it makes them look desperate but I think it makes you look like you're actually interested in the job and not just applying to anything you see.

After our break we had to help Theo get rid of old files and put in new ones.  We threw away all files from twenty fifteen and before.  The new files to be placed in storage were from twenty twenty.  

While my coworker was driving to the dump to get rid of the files, I was tasked with putting two partition walls in pieces by myself.  It took me over an hour and really pissed me off that no one helped me.  Once I got everything into the connex I had to stand outside another half an hour calling any of my workers to help me close it since the door was being a brat.

Once everything was handled, I started making my way back to the shop to sit down for a bit but Theo called me on the radio before I could even get through the door.  He wanted me to go grab something while he was sitting on his ass in the shop.  I was pissed but I grabbed it, brought it back, and said I was heading out for lunch.

I was really angry and went to Moe's just to get a diet root beer as they are the only place that has it.  I ended up walking out with a diet root beer and a tofu homewrecker bowl.  After I arrived back in the shop and ate lunch, I wasn't angry anymore, just disappointed in myself for eating so much.

The rest of the workday went by pretty nicely.  I mainly watched YouTube for the rest of the day.  Once I clocked out I made a beeline to my lover's house.  By the time I got there he was sitting in bed eating his dinner.  I laid down next to him and promptly passed out.  

We slept for a while and then left to go get his younger brother dinner.  When we got back though, we were welcomed by one of his old dogs leaving a watery shit for us to clean up.  He was not happy about this and started yelling before realizing that he was talking to a dog more than a decade old.  We left again for cleaning supplies and Febreze.

After we got back the second time the dog had ran away.  We found him walking down the road towards the house.  A car was pulled over and an elderly lady was looking at the tag on his collar.  We thanked her for stopping for him and took him back home.

Now I'm home and actually looking forward to work tomorrow.  I don't think I'm going to pass this evaluation and can only hope that they are forced to let me go because of it.

0 Kudos


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