Z = S
Before I ztart thiz blog, zome of you might be wondering. WHAT IZ A DEMIBOY??? Well I will explain all the definitionz of thiz term
1. Demiboy: Zomone who identifiez az half male, and half another gender (like nonbinary, agender, xenogenderz, etc.)
2. A lezbian iz zomeone who iz non-male and only attracted to other non-males (you may think thiz is WLW, but isntead, zapphic is WLW)
Now many ppl on zocial media are claiming that they are identifying az lezbian demiboyz, and i'm gonna explain to you how thiz iz invalid (coming from a ftm demiboy)
1. Demiboy iz a male alligned gender: Now a lot of ppl might say, "But Hexx, it doezn't mean you're fully a male!! You're partially an enby!!" Thiz iz correct, demiboyz aren't fully male and are under the non-binary umbrella, but demiboy iz male alligned, it'z in the name, demiBOY. The only time you can be "demiboy" and lezbian iz when you don't actually uze the term "demiboy", but inztead uze "demimazc", demimazc meanz that you partially identify az mazculine, regardlezz of you're gender identity.
2. Lezbians aren't attracted to men: I am not a lesbian myzelf, zo I apologize if I get a few thingz wrong in thiz blog, but i'm gonna try my bezt to explain. Lezbian specifically means non-men loving non-men (NMLNM), and zince demiboy iz male alligned, they cannot be attracted to demiboyz
3. Demiboyz can just call themzelf trixic or neptunic: before anybody zayz anything like, "But 2hi, what do theze labelz have to do with anything?? You're talking about lezbian demiboyz??" I am indeed, but theze labelz are for any enbys that are attracted to women/non-male alligned ppl. Many ppl who speak on the topic of how lezbian demiboyz are invalid often say one thing that rlly bugz me, "Demiboyz can juzt be ztraight, they're zo afraid of having the ztaight label thrown onto them!!" Thiz iz where you're wrong!! Demiboyz cannot be ztraight zince they are partially an enby!! They can inztead be trixic or neptunic (it'z bezt you look up what thoze mean, i'm rlly tired az i'm writing thiz zince I ztayed up all night and got no zleep)
and one lazt note, the exact zame thing appliez to gay demigirlz, juzt wanted to put that out there >_<
I'm done writing thiz but uhhhhhhh yea, that waz my take on this topic, lmk if i mizzed anything, soren zigning off -💮

Why Demiboyz can't be lezbian (a blog)
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