boycrush hehe :3

BRUH what the fuck why is that whenever this mf textes me or jst any1 mentions him i end up getting rlly happy or sumthin LOL EVEN IF SOMEONES LIKE PICKING ON HIM!??? ill end up being like hehe yeah him........ idk if its jst admiration even tho ya he's a fucking loser he literally plays chess.... bt like i dunno hes always seemed rlly cool personally but interesting in a way i wanna get to know him tbh. hes like idk man i barely talk to him, he barely talks to me nd whenever slight interactions happen im always like "HOLYU FUCK!?@!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! HETEXTED ME DUDE OHHMGYOD!?!?!?!?" like i wanna get 2 know him yk but like firstly idk how old he is so yeah.... also im not sure if he has the same timezone nd all so idk how that works but MAN IDUNNO if this is like hehe yes i want to be your friend and get closer 2 u frfr or if its in some sort of attraction like in romantic cuz like.. idk dude hes like HES SUCH A FUCKING LOSER. LITERLALY. EVEN HIS FRIENDS SAY HES A LOSER CUZ HE IS!!!!but he's a loser byt like..... in a way that its kinda cute. like NOT KINDA?!?!?!?! BUT LKE..... idk i dunno why but i always catch myself staring @ his status or like any of the messages this dude sends in gcs cuz.... yeah BRO I DONT EVEN KNOW LFMAOOOOO I CANT KEEP CRUSHIN ON THESE DISCORD PEOPLE!!!!!!!! RAAHHH

1 Kudos


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zEKE's profile picture

NOT FUINNY CRIED SOBBING SHAKING CRYING I THINK HE FOUND OUT HELEPPEOP?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! actually gonna shit myself cuz litelrlay i cant talk 2 ppl man especially when im like yk i find them cool nd then like............................................................................ FUCK@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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zEKE's profile picture

OH ALSO he called me silly today nd he said it meant in a good way so............................... i dunno why im so happy over this but DUDE HES SO COOL!?!??!?!?!

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