vent kinda thing

not naming anyone cuz apparently someone stalks my page every now and then, and if youre reading this, y o u  k n o w  w h o  y o u  a r e. anywhoser, theres this one person i know, and theyre just like, 100x cooler than me, and everybody likes them, they just get along with everyone, and make everyone laugh. but theyre always like talking bout how they have no friends, and then here i am, sittitng there thinking like "you could hang out with almost ANYBODY here. i couldnt, i dont have ANY friends. people only talk to me during class when they have no one else to talk to, but would never happily hang out with me outside of class. and i dont even fit in with anyone,either everyone hates me, or i just dont fit in with them. like, for example, ive always hated being alone,so i hung out with two girls from a few of my classes last year, but it was so weird because it was a group full of like preppy girls, and then im just there awkwardly standing around behind all of them being excluded, and im just this weird "emo" dude, im not really emo, but everyone calls me that, for some reason. i dont even know why. my average outfit is a green green jacket, some shirt with some print on it, like what im wearing today is a green jacket, beige shirt with psychedelic mushrooms, and text that says "revolution of dreams", and baggy blue jeans with extra pockets. how is that emo. normally, emo kids have a shit ton of black, and i like dont even ever have that much black on.MY BOYFRIEND LOOKS MORE EMO THAN ME. i dress more like male y2k, and grunge.not emo.imnot emo. anyways, so its just hella weird that i hung out with them. and i also just have no idea whats going through my friends head hen they say they have no friends. like uh, look at me?? almost everyone likes you, and everyone hates me, either cuz of rumors that were spread around about me last year, or just me being annoying. i cant even make online friends, right now im on a streak of being grounded for 4 months so far, dont know when the fuck ill get my phone back, so im extra lonely. not really honestly,my online friends dont even talk to me, sure, like one or two check up on me like every week or so, and will get concerned if i dont respond within 2 days, but thats only cuz they think i finally killedmyself or something. people only check up on me because they wanna check that imnot dead or something. i guess i do have like one friend, and she lives near me, but i forgot where the fuck her house is, and i dont have a god damn phone to text her on. i can ask to use my phone to text her tho,ig.

0 Kudos


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