ok so now im actually sad
this is relating to the last blog i made
so basically I AM a dumb idiot and yes I knew that already but i kinda took the time to really think about myself and im realizing that i dont think i'd like me either if i was someone else
i mean really im a very unlikeable personΒ
i barely understand things, and thats probably annoying to people
i always flake on ppl and i hate myself for that ik it sucks to have people flake on you so im sorry that i do it to everyone..
its probably a burden to interact with some1 with mental disabilities so im sorry that everyone has to deal with my weirdness.. after watching attorney woo im realizing how people probably feel about me..
another thing is I don't usually know whats popular and I like things that the majority dont like so im probably weird for that too
im sorry i had to like weird music like k-pop and j-pop
im sorry that i watch shows for little kids
im sorry im not cool
im sorry i message weird
and im sorry i even act like a little kids sometimes
i realize how unlikeable i am
i dont have any likeable traits..
the only good things about me is that im nice
and i tend to do almost anything some1 tells me to do in fear that if i dont do it they wont like me anymore..
why cant i just be good enoughΒ
im sorry i had to be such a disappointment
reminds me of the lyrics in "worldwide torture"Β Β
"I never come second place, always been a big disgrace."
being a disgrace is the only thing I come in first in, its kinda funny.Β
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