weird dream i had??

ok so i had a dream last night and im not able to to think of what it could mean and my friends cant either so maybe this could help?? but basically it started at the mall i live right across from and my mom dropped me off at a kids play place thingy and there was this little boy with WIDE ASS EYES staring at me for an hour straight and then my mom came back and said “hey lets go see a movie” out of nowhere?? and so we went to a movie. i don’t remember what the movie was or what it was about, this party went blank. but as we were leaving we got into an argument and as soon as we walked out it was suddenly night. after five minutes of walking in the parking lot (which its actually a really small parking lot) she gave me a car and i immediately  learned how to drive somehow ?? and i drove to KC and back in five minutes which was rlly weird. so bc my mom and i got into an argument she made me drive home, kinda like how when couples argue one sleeps on the couch. but while i was driving i fell asleep and woke up on the side of a highway without my car in sight. but the highway looked REALLY familiar and i cannot stress HOW WEIRD THE HIGHWAY FELT.  soo i started walking and walking for miles on end until i saw some guy in his backyard and i asked him where i was and he said “everywhere” and i was like “uh ok anyways how do i get back to [city i live in]??” and he just laughed and walked inside so i kept walking more and then i reached a countryside sorta place and some guy invited me fishing and about an hour into us fishing and talking some police showed up. he got arrested for committing suicide and then i tried telling the cops that i dont know where i am and that i need help and they were just like “cool idc anyways…” so after the cops left i started waking more and more and then i somehow found my apartments again and i started SOBBING. so i walked in and saw my mom in a rocking chair by the tv playing only static and she looked REALLY old. like borderline decaying type shit. but that’s all the dream was!! idk where it came from or what happened but it was really weird. and it was one of those dreams that felt like real time. but i also knew i was in a dream, but i was like,, unconscious?? like if my brain was still conscious in my buddy while something else was controlling everything i do. idk it was just really weird.

2 Kudos


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☆𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔊𝔦𝔯𝔩_99☆'s profile picture

Damn Gurl that feels weird asf

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yea it rlly was 3

by Xx_grace.grvyrd_xX; ; Report


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