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Category: Blogging

The PSss't

A few days ago I turned 26 and my stomach felt so weird about it. I have all my life in front of me, but I'm so scared of how fast time passes. I've always been aware of the stupid passing of time even as a kid, so I feel  like I never really enjoyed each moment I spent without a thought in the back of my mind that I will one day look back on it as a bittersweet memory. 

Now I'm here on a MYSPACE clone site reliving my totally cringe middle school days and I feel like it was just yesterday I was secretly logging into my first social media site to post Johnny Depp glitter gifs and selfies of myself in Hello Kitty shirts. 

Quarantine is now threatening to put my 20s on a bullet train to the 30s with half a quarter of my life gone to waste. 

But I'm being dramatic of course, I'm lucky to be healthy and loved 

We'll get out of this one, guys <3 

Love xx Liz 

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