a nightmare i had on october 2nd, 2021

A girl moves into a house with her mom and brother. The house is beautiful, it’s about three stories high and there’s a little guest apartment in the basement. The girl goes into a room, and there’s still some clothes in the closet from the past owners of the house, so her being a curious little girl… of course she decides to go through.

She’s aware of the house being haunted, the sellers explained it to her parents before selling the house. So she jokes a little bit, saying “oh! Your clothes are so cute… I hope you don’t mind me taking a few. If not, just let me know!” She turns around to the bed, and there’s a girl just a few years younger than her. The main character is confused, but she still tries to go along with it. If this was a ghost, she didn’t want her to know that she was scared.

“Is this yours? It’s really pretty.” She says, holding up the lace-hemmed shirt. The two girls chat for a while, talking about clothes and how the little girl died in the house. The little girl seems innocent, trying to lure the other girl in it seems.

The older girl says “I love making friends with ghosts. They’re so nice!” The little girl mentions something, that her parents were in trouble and needed the older girl’s help. She says if she doesn’t help, then everyone would be in danger. The living girl says “Ill do anything to keep us protected. I just want you, your mom, your dad, MY dad, my mom, my brother, and me to be safe.” 

And that’s when the little ghost girl strangles her. She pulls the girl down into this dungeon under the house, throwing her onto a wooden bench. The ghost pulls out a stick with a candle on it, and pulls the other girl into a trance. She is under the ghost’s spell, and the ghost opens the bench under the girl and there are two brains. There’s blood everywhere. The brains belong to the ghost girl’s parents. Their decapitated heads are there too. The girl falls under them and blood squirts everywhere, as if the bodies were fresh. Soon enough, the girl’s brain in is there. Basically the brains mean that person is controlled by the ghost girl.

The ghost girl rips a piece of skin out of the girl from her shoulder blade, but it’s formed in a neat circle. That turns into an extra limb, and the girl is screaming in pain. I don’t think she dies, I think she just turns into a  little experiment of the ghost girl. That’s all I don’t remember anything else

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