ryan ☆ (miw BRAINROT)'s profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

dni / byi !!

do not interact if:

- under 13

- use copy/paste fonts ( if you're just using them for your name , you're alright, please anyone with font typing quirks/who speak in fonts don't interact ! )

- basic criteria ( lgbtphobes , ped0philes , racists , ect )

- neopronoun / xenogender phobes!! you're allowed to have your own opinion but please don't share it

- people who make r@pe jokes?? bc y'all still exist ig???

- ed/shtwt accounts!!!!! thank u!!!

- proana / people who support e/d's in general!! ( i'm not saying people with e/d's in general, just people who support! ) ( and please, if you wanna talk/post about your e/d, go into a private forum / space for that . not in public places like twitter and spacehey and such . )

- fakeclaimers / reality checkers!! ( or just like ,, don't reality check me ?? it makes me uncomfortable )

- fujoshi / lolicon / ect 

- brendon urie supporters !!! dahvie vanity supporters !!!! need i say more !!!!!!!!!1

before you interact, please note:

- i'm very active and hyper online!! it can be overwhelming sometimes i think :<

- i complain a lot!! mostly just to close-ish friends, but still important to say!!

- i'm very bipolar !! not just in my mood, but also the way i act and sometimes the way i feel about people!!

- i talk about my boyfriend tom . like. a Lot. ( go friend him btw here :33 )

- if we start getting closer as friends, my filter on what i say might start to slip so i might be really all over the place and saying random things a lot, also complaining more!! just an fyi :)

- i overthink. like. a lot. and i tend to share the things i overthink. like. A lot. try to take everything i say with a grain of salt

that's about it!!! i'll update this if the list grows, but that should be all for now. :3 feel free to ask questions about anything !!

Happy Hello Kitty Kaoani

10 Kudos


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