koeli's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

found this and thought it was interesting, kind of an intro =P


name: elijah
nickname: eli/bun/bunny
age: 20
pronouns: they/she/xe/bun
birthday: 03/01/2003
siblings: 1 brother
straight/bi/gay: bi
job: dont have one rn =<


hair color: ginger with pink streaks!
eye color: hazelish green
height: 5'5"
ethnicity: aussie!
look like a celeb: none
dye your hair: ye pink!
have bangs: yis
have braces: no
wear glasses: yes im blind XD
wear contacts: nope
piercings: ears and septum
tattoos: no sadly, hopefully soon


Color: pink, rainbow, mossy green, brown
Movie: the goonies, ponyo 
TV show: mlp, hannibal, supernatural
animal: lots XP cats, insects, axolotls, racoons, possums, cows, sheep
drink: original monster, white hot chocolate
food: sushi, almost anything thats fried cuz i love da crunch, mac n cheese
alcoholic drink: sambuca or fireball!!
day of the week: friday
season: winter
song: thriller by fall out boy
sport: i dont really like sport but i like swimming and just walking around in the wildnerness
restaurant: will always be sizzlers but theyve closed down =<
teacher: mrs pendreigh <3
subject: art or media
holiday: christmas
book: the hannibal books
magazine: dont have one
flower: marigolds or sakura
memory: me cuddling and taking care of my very close friend while she was drunk


person you hugged: my mom
thing you said: "okay!!"
thing you ate: plain naan bread with mayo
texted: my boyfriend
you called: my boyfriend <3
called you: my boyfriendddd
person you saw: my mom
you had a long conversation with: my close friend


summer or winter: winter
cats or dogs: cats 
Pepsi or Coke: i honestly dont care lmao
cell phone or Ipod: cell phone 
ocean or pool: pool
black or white: white
chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
flowers or candy: flowers
rock or rap: rock
TV or movie: tv
AIM or MySpace: myspace
stars or hearts: hearts
bracelets or necklaces: bracelets
gold or silver: gold
kisses or hugs: kisses
pen or pencil: pen


smoked: no
stayed home from school: ive graduated so no XD
been to the mall: yes
bought a book: no
been to a show/concert: no  
yelled at someone: yes
got into a fight/argument: yes
cried to a friend: no
told the truth: yes


TV: no
your own phone: yes
your own phone line: no
VCR: no
DVD player: no
radio: no
computer: no
posters: no
of what?: nothing
pictures: no
of who?: nothing


taken or single: taken
got a crush: yeas =3

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