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Category: Pets and Animals

American Crow

The American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos

American crows are very common in the USA, but that doesn't mean they aren't interesting! They are smart, adaptive and social animals, which works great for their survival.

Crows have around the same intelligence level as a 7 year old human. They are able to make and even use tools, such as cups for water. They also have an extensive memory, able to remember faces of humans and hold grudges for years. Crows will use their intelligence to steal food from other animals, which saves them some work.

Crows diets are made up of seeds, fruits, insects and meat, making them omnivores. You will usually see crows eating roadkill, but crows actually have a hard time hunting for themselves. Crows beaks are not strong enough to break skin on most animals, so they have to wait for other animals to hunt for them. They will also wait for tired songbirds to return from their migration for an easy dinner.

Crows are very social birds, usually spending their time in large families and flocks. They will use their large groups, also known as a "murder of crows," to their advantage by using a tactic called "mobbing." Crows will swarm predators in a mob to defend themselves and drive the threat away. 

Interesting videos:

Huge Murder of Crows!

How Smart are Crows?

Crow brings Money for Woman after Feeding it


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alex's profile picture

Crows are super intelligent animals! I love them :3

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Me too! They're one of my favorite birds and there's so many different types of crows!

by Bird Blog; ; Report