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Junior Year Field Trips!!!

The 2022 - 2023 school year has been a pretty interesting school year for me so far and I want to share my experiences on the field trips my school has had during my junior year of high school.

October 6th, 2022: My period 1 AP CSP class went on some sort of field trip for some sort of event (can't remember what the event was, but it was probably related to AP CSP). Anyways, I seriously considered cancelling my orthodontist appointment I had scheduled for that day just to go on the trip with my friends, but I ultimately decided not to cancel it only because I had plans to give myself snakebites after I got home that evening. The physical and mental pain of not having my lip pierced was too much for me to handle by that point, especially when those negative thoughts kept haunting me in both my waking and sleeping hours.

November 16th, 2022: All the juniors and seniors at my school went on a field trip literally just down the street for some college and career event (plus there were some seminars about potential career options). It was the first field trip I went on since 7th grade. What's interesting is how my school decided to waste their money on having 3 school buses take us there when we could've just walked there. Everyone (including me) thought it was stupid, including the teachers. 

When it was time to go back to school around lunch time, we all ended up walking back there. And even more ironically, we had a power outage during 5th period that same afternoon and everyone in my algebra 2 class was joking about how the school wasted their money on 3 school buses we didn't even need but couldn't afford electricity. It was hilarious. Who knew my school could turn a boring field trip into an amusing experience during and (especially) after the trip?

January 25th, 2023: Some of the 11th grade classes (including my 6th period English class) went on a field trip to the middle school I went to for another college and career event. Sounds like another boring field trip, right? Well, not to euphoric and amped up me it didn't, although time did seem to be going much slower than usual just like the past few days. As a matter of fact, everyone and everything was going slower than me.

Anyways, we walked to the school (I pretty much jogged there and was walking ahead of everyone else) and went inside the gymnasium where the event was being held. I was amused by how tiny the bleachers looked compared to the last time I saw them almost 3 years ago. There was also a news crew filming at the school and of course, I wanted to say hi to the camera, and I'm pretty sure I got into a small portion of the recording from the distance, lol. My shoulders were hurting because of my heavy backpack, but otherwise, I enjoyed the field trip (although my normal self probably wouldn't).

Towards the end of the field trip, I showed some of my friends some old photos of me circa 2019 and they were amused by how weird and different I looked back then. We all laughed at those photos of younger me. Then, it was time to head back to school and basically just go home (it was 3:12 when we got back and school ends at 3:15 except on Tuesdays).

And that has been my experience with high school field trips so far. I will update this if I go on any more field trips this school year.

2 Kudos


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