rev's profile picture

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Category: Life

stolen introduction thingy <3


name: reb
nickname: rev <3
age: 20
pronouns: they/he/she
birthday: 12/01/2003 (day/month/year)
siblings: none
straight/bi/gay: bi ace :)
job: student!


hair color: brown but i wanna dye it
eye color: brown x2
height: 5'6"
ethnicity: white girl wednesday
look like a celeb: nopeeeee
dye your hair: would dye it blonde!
have bangs: no but i want them
have braces: used to! not anymore
wear glasses: yep!!
wear contacts: nope
piercings: none
tattoos: maybe in the future!


Color: pink!!!!
Movie: mamma mia, scream, the boy (2016), megamind
TV show: i don't watch tv i'm SORRY
animal: RABBITS also cats :)
drink: tea
food: chicken nuggets. yea really
alcoholic drink: amaretto!!!!! also just rlly fruity cocktails
day of the week: sunday
season: winter 
song: lady gaga's entire discography
sport: archery
restaurant: wetherspoons innit
teacher: my year 3 teacher who i'm friends with on facebook who still comments on my posts
subject: english lit
holiday: halloween
book: jekyll and hyde!
magazine: those old girl talk magazines
flower: lavender
memory: seeing glass animals live, taking my little cousin to a theme park


person you hugged: my friend imogen
thing you said: "i love hot dads"
thing you ate: uhh those wafer chocolate roundie things
texted: rp partner!
you called: mam!
called you: also mam
person you saw: uni friends
you had a long conversation with: rp partner again </3


summer or winter: summer
cats or dogs: cats!!!!!
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi but specifically the pepsi u get from the syrup in bars not the bottles
cell phone or Ipod: phone!
ocean or pool: ocean
black or white: black
chocolate or vanilla: vanilla but i also love chocolate
flowers or candy: candy esp chocolate
rock or rap: rock!
TV or movie: movies i have adhd
AIM or MySpace: myspace!
stars or hearts: hearts!!!
bracelets or necklaces: necklaces
gold or silver: silver
kisses or hugs: hugs <3
pen or pencil: pen!


smoked: no
stayed home from school: yes i'm lazy
been to the mall: nope
bought a book: nope sadly
been to a show/concert: nope x3 
yelled at someone: yea but not in an angry way in an upset way
got into a fight/argument: yes sadly
cried to a friend: does my grandma count
told the truth: yes!


TV: nope!
your own phone: yes!
your own phone line: no
VCR: nope
DVD player: nopeeee
radio: nope!
computer: yes!!
posters: yeppp
of what?: uhhh the riddler from the new batman and also bubba sawyer
pictures: yep!
of who?: family and friends, dbd ghostface-


taken or single: single 
got a crush: yea on every fictional evil man ever

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