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Category: Life

On disingenuity

     Through experience arises the never-answered question I've always had. How are others on such a low caliber of consciousness? Surely they somehow deep down understand their own contradictions with their multiple beliefs? But the authenticity is that they don't, and that's what is so concerning.  
     The average human nothing but a flawed hallow subsistence of never ending contradiction and no room for self-reflection nor amendment. The humans petty ego obviates them from doing as such, because they care more about that than ever being confuted by another human.
     This is where the self and never ending stream of lamentable PRIDE that obstructs any and ALL amelioration. Go on, perpetuate to be a contradictory piece of trash without ever amending on yourself or genuinely holding only notions that are genuinely compatible with each other.
     I find it regaling just how fake each and every one of us are. Go ahead and test it for yourself why don't you! Here's how! — Find a topic someone is zealous about, and I mean GENUINELY zealous about. Disagree with them on it heavily, insult it and their position on it and make it a personal argument.
     Shortly after, that person WILL virtually ALWAYS say what they have always genuinely contemplated you as insults in replication. I recommend this tactic to get rid of disingenuous people because those whom obnubilate their detestation and thoughts about you are the most piteously cancerous subsistence there ever can and will be.
     Might as well ascertain sooner rather than later. Humans always act in the same ways conventionally, so you'll find this works on fundamentally everyone...but I assume there are some outliers of people who don't hold any zealous credence's about anything so there is that.
     The misanthropes mind patterned for all time. The only way to be after interactions with others. The higher consciousness will always be this way as it is the only opportune replication to the experience of the human existence. My mind Always analyzing, cerebrating and coming to the same conclusions with everyone.
     Do I even -feel- disappointment anymore? Woefully...yes albeit every experience with humans ends up this same way time and time again I still feel disappointed. Wanting a vicissitude, but confined by the past — and future. I had always hoped that in life I would experience another whom this situation doesn't transpire with yet to no surprise that remains to be tenacious. Maybe I currently have relationships with people that are good, but I'm sure given time the outcome ends equipollent. Solitude isn't something I've ever been able to feel, something I don't relate with anyone on. No matter how another person may or may not be they all seem to have that same desire of absolutely needing contact with others and feeling loneliness. I just can't relate, and I'm not entirely sure why that is, but I'm definitely ecstatic for it. A veritable disconnect from the civil man a consciousness not needing of contact with others a genuine puissance.
     On the same regard coming to a construal that being an outlier might not always be a good thing and rather it points to the conclusion of just why I can't genuinely ever authentically get along with anyone. I do veraciously understand that there are things about us all that we have no authentic control over — our consciousnesses starting with these attributes that can't ever be transmuted. We can only scarcely understand them and come to terms with it. In-fact I might just be oblivious to myself, no? Maybe I'm additionally contradictory and simply can't descry it because I'm too diligent understanding the same thing about others. No one is safe from the flawed humanity we are all a component of.

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