season 2 south park review

i've been rewatching the entire south park series in order to rank them all. i just got done with season 2 and here are my thoughts about it!

this season is FAR from south park's best. i almost fell asleep watching half of these episodes. they were just so boring! there were a few good ones, but overall, the plots just weren't that good. i don't like the early seasons (1-3) because the content quality isn't good. also, i don't understand a lot of the references. if i was alive during the 90s, i probably would have different thoughts about these episodes.

the good episodes

  • Ike's Wee Wee (ep. 2)
  • Chickenpox (ep. 10)
  • Spookyfish (ep. 15)
  • Merry Christmas Charlie Manson! (ep. 16)
  • Gnomes (ep. 17)

i'm pretty biased, because tweek is my favorite character, but gnomes is my favorite episode in this season. gnomes is the first appearance of tweek!

the bad episodes

  • Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods (ep. 11)
  • Summer Sucks (ep. 8)
  • Cow Days (ep. 13)
  • The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka (ep. 6)
  • Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus (ep. 1)

i'm NOT a fan of anything terrance and phillip related. that is all.

this has been my favorite show for years, so i'm pretty excited to rewatch the other season!

cass <3

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The Crimson King

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I've also recently started to watch south park. Like you, I don't really enjoy the early seasons. But compared to some other adult cartoons like the simpsons or family guy, the art style at least has aged well. I mean, it doesn't really look good, but I think it has personality.

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yeah i agree with that! i think the show starts to get good during season 5!!

by cass ♡; ; Report