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Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

Getting a Part-Time job is difficult

I am 20 years old and withdrew from school recently because I realized I no longer desire to continue with the career path I was doing. I am right now trying to apply for jobs, but has it been a struggle let me tell you.

I did not get my first job until I was 18 years old after I graduate high school. This was in September 2020, during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. After continually applying on Indeed to literally everywhere, hearing back from nothing to "Sorry, you're the not right candidate for the job." Unfortunately, that did take a toll on my self-esteem. It made me feel like I was unhirable. Many of my peers in high school and my younger sister found a job WAY BEFORE heading into Grade 12. Like I was wondering how did people get a job while I couldn't get something. I felt insecure I was not working and of course, I wanted my own money for things my parents wouldn't pay for.

Although I did get some interviews in August 2020, never got the job. I remember during the McDonalds interview, the Hiring Manager "So why are you just getting a job now?" Like the ignorance from this woman was truly bliss. Like she didn't seem realise we are in a pandemic, where the economy is at an all time low since the Great Depression. And seemed to come as, I should have gotten my first job before I graduate high school. Like I am a lazy person. Or afterwards she send, I think you need more experience before you can get a job. Like what fucking experience do you need to work at McDonalds?! 

Other reasons I didn't get my first job till I was 18 was also because I needed to complete my  Volunteer Hours. In Ontario, Canada (where I live), it is mandatory for each student to complete their 40 Hours of Volunteer Work in order to receive their High School Diploma. I had trouble finding places to volunteer, considering I am not the most outgoing person and struggle with social anxiety. Plus, many places require you to be a certain age in order to start your volunteering. Plus, I have problems with organising and compartmentalising my school work. So my parents didn't want me putting too much stress on myself. Considering the fact I also have some disabilities and challenges, they wanted me to learn how to cope with my anxiety. 

Even before the pandemic, I and another friend were facing similar issues in terms of finding a job. I got the dreaded response of "We're looking for people who have open availability or can work anytime" "Weren't not hiring or looking for people right now." or the worst, "We would prefer you had previous experience." 

I understand some jobs, you need experience. Like they're not going to let someone without Plane Driving experience be a Pilot first time. But ffs, how are you going to get experience when you cannot get a job? What experience do I need to flip burgers or stock shelves. Like it's sad how places don't want to train people anymore, they want people with 5+ years experience so they can make money faster. Greedy Fucks. There's so many people who want to work, but places will be like "Nah, we don't want people to learn on the job." 

I don't always like pointing fingers but I think the Baby Boomers are to blame for the way the economy is and the Housing Market. They say "just worker harder" to Millennials and Generation Z. While they work their asses off, they still cannot afford necessities. Since Boomers just want to raise prices and make things ridiculously unaffordable. It's fucked up.

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note2self's profile picture

While I already have a job, I'm tryin to get a new one and its still hard especially here in Ontario. Kinda fucked that like most places want more people but then kinda don't and it makes me question myself more (on a personal level). Idk, job market here and especially in where I'm living just sucks

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