I have been looking for an outlet for my writing for a while now. I discovered this website and decided to make an account. I am now trying to determine whether or not I should just write everything on here, use a separate website, etc. If you decide to read any of my blogs, etc. Please bear in mind that there will be typos, grammatical errors, because I unfortunately I do not have anyone proof reading anything. Not many people even know that I write because it's something I consider personal. This has also become a large obstacle when it comes to finding an outlet for my writing because I am unable to talk to many people about it. On top of that, I don't want the risk of those I know finding it and knowing who I am, hopefully that makes sense. I talked to one friend about it, in hopes that they could share some ideas. The only idea they had was that I could make reddit account and write on there, but I have never really used it, so I am not sure. I also know that there are ways to make your own website but idk, I would appreciate any feedback you guys have, as long as it's constructive.
If you actually read through this whole thing, Thank youuuuuuu :)
Hope you have a beautiful day <3
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