skipping class shocked face

i skipped last period yesterday w my silly little bf. it wasn't so bad i thought it was pretty fun, id rather do that than present to my English class any day. But now the fuckin teacher called my mum to tell her i wasn't in class yesterday cuz it turns out my mum actually knows the teacher :((((( Like dawg how was a supposed to know that. i stayed home sick today because my stomach hurt and while my mum was at work she told me she got a call from the teacher in question and i was shivering my timbers fr. obviously i knew now that lying would just get myself in shit so i owned up to it and apologized, of course i didnt really feel bad, i had fun skipping yesterday and itll definitely happen again i just wont be stupid enough to skip English this time. anyways when my mum came home i expected her to come down to yell at me straight away, but when i opened my door after she knocked she didn't say anything other than ask what ive been doing. i told her i was watching a show and that was the end of it. kinda scared tbh i prepared a whole argument in my head, usually shes begging me to fuck up so she can yell at me no matter how small, so if i today she did it.

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