Tenth week of my dream journay entries


I dreamt I was Sammy Stevens from King Falls AM in a bookshop, having a nice chat with two tourists. We walked around the store, eventually going down into the basement when suddenly Troy bursts in, shoves me in a cramped, dark closet, shuts the door and placed the tourists under arrest for fraud and identity theft. Apparently this is such a serious crime the place gets swatted (?) (I'm not from the US, my only knowledge on police procedure comes from tv shows lol) but it sounds more like a cold blooded execution. Sammy is still stuck- I can't see a thing, I'm wedged flat on my stomach between two shelves, all the while the building is shaking like the earth is imploding in on itself. I'm desperately covering my ears but I can still hear a terrible roaring, along with Troy shouting orders and accusations, then endless gunshots and screaming. The world keeps shaking and rumbling so bad it feels like some cosmic being has picked it up and is throwing it around for it's own amusement.

I finally tumble out of the closet in an entirely different environment: I suppose the best way to describe it is a sewer tunnel. Part of the shaking I'd felt was me being thrown into a bag and being carried off by kidnappers. I'm utterly traumatized and I've lost all ability to function, luckily Ben saves me and gets me outside.

New plot and I'm myself again. My parents and I take the car to the dream!zoo that connects to the dream!themepark because my dad has an appointment nearby. I'm super excited because I can finally show them the weird playground but we leave without ever entering the zoo :(


More nightmares

28-01-23 [GRAPHIC]

I'm back in PE in elementary school, we're playing football in an outdoor sports cage (a lot like this picture here but a lot smaller: https://www.remion.nl/templates/sites/remion.nl/img/slider-img/geluidsarme_voetbalkooi_1.jpg ). I'm constantly carrying two of my favourite plushies with me and my classmates, while still thinking it's weird for me to do that at 20, seem to be used to it. (I actually would kill for being able to bring plushies with me everywhere without being given weird looks). They pick me to play the first game and I'm shit at it which I think is hilarious, but the other players get increasingly more angry at me for not being better. I offer to swap places with someone else and they immediately take me up on it. I leave the pitch, sit down on the bench, turn around- and everyone playing has been massacred. Particularly the girl closest to me has been run over by a car: I can see tiretracks in her crushed skull and disgustingly, bile is leaking from her mouth. Everyone is suitably shocked and confused. One of my friends covers my ears to protect me from the horrors. When she removes her hands, terror breaks out and everyone storms to the exit but we're trapped, water rapidly starts to fill the cage, our heads touch the bars on the roof and we try to break out but there's no chance. We drown and I wake up.   


Couple of nightmares, but I mostly remember building an irl minecraft/sims house, simultaneously trying to refill our cereal supply in a blind panic. At the end I have trouble keeping my eyes open and I try so hard to stay awake I actually wake up


Playing ACNH after an update (didn't know there had been one) and one of the many items they've added are car parks. I look for a spot to place one to see what it looks like, and notice most of my island has been redecorated. I didn't do it but after a few minutes conclude that obviously it must have been my brother's girlfriend. It looks hella cute though so I'm fine with it.

I'm at the cafeteria at work with my brother where they now have a Sephora (in fact just a cupboard with three products). We eat some chocolate, drive past the French grocery store and witness several horrible accidents involving helicopters.


In an estate garden (extensive and mostly grassland) at an event for the general public with my family. We wander around for a while, through paddocks and small woods.. and a rocket launch station (ah yes, the technical term) until we eventually return to the main event space. But when we get closer we hear sirens and screaming: the rocket exploded and there are multiple fatalities. Then Dino and I take a slide through the forest into a dollar store to look at craft materials and piss about with garden toys.


I'm in a library picking out movies to watch with Austin. I'm looking at Barbie games (most involving horses) when a kid of about 12 starts talking to me. We chat for a bit and go back to browsing. Suddenly two kids start getting up in my little buddy's space, pushing him around and calling him names, and while he seems used to it I'm not about to let that slide. I yell at the boys to cut the crap and leave the kid alone and if I ever hear of them bothering him again there'll be hell to pay. They (nervously) laugh it off and I say, quote, "look at me, do I look like I'm kidding? I stick needles through my face for fun, I'll kick your goddamn ass!" (dream me is uncharacteristically confrontational). The bullies run off and I go back to looking at Barbie movies, and my friend leaves, but soon comes back to get me because "his teacher has some questions for me". The conversation goes exactly like this:

T: why didn't you take them (the little assholes) to the hospital? 

M: why would I? They're fine.

T: to treat any psychological damage you might have done.

M: So you're more worried about their potential psychological damage than their victim's definite trauma from all the bullying?

(Damn, dream me is a bamf)

Next plot, mom and I bring a duck to a duck-gathering party in a garden. I think the duck is poisonous. We've made our way through the suburbs and are now in a 30s German mall. We want to have lunch but the restaurant serves only super traditional German dishes and I don't like anything on the menu.

Then my grandma and I are shopping and enter a sports store because I want to look at the discount swimsuits but they're all really ugly, so we go look at their stock in the basement. There's a swanky bar in there, I'm eating an ice cream and get involved in a secret cyber society. My family is worried that I don't know what I'm getting myself into but I fully trust my shady hacker mates.

0 Kudos


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