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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

【ART】Cool dream I had

I was walking through this forest and I got lost so I decide to look up to the moon, I stare at it for a while but suddenly it moves and reveals itself to be a giant owl-like monster with the moon in both of its eyes. I stare at it for a bit and it seems upset so i ask it whats wrong, it tells me "My friends are very far away", i ask it where all its friends went and it tells my that theyre all in the sky and points to the stars. I sit down with the owl for a bit and it asks me to count the stars with it so i do, but its too hard because they keep drifting and clouds get in the way.

after a while the sun rose over the trees and the stars disappeared, the owl thing looked sad again but it told me thanks, i said i'd try again sometime but i had to brb and then i woke up. i feel kinda bad that i left the owl there by itself :/

I drew the owl guy here for u guys:  me and the lonely owl guy

13 Kudos


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EXOTIC.trash.kid's profile picture

OMG your art style s AMAZING.

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ayy tysm!

by Squid Died ; ; Report


XxNix_NightmarexX's profile picture

omg i luv ur art style sm wtfff !!! X33

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ArtBunee's profile picture

I wanna hug that owl.

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