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The scent of the pine trees scattered in the woods near the road was refreshing, just enough to change the mood with just a few deep breaths. That was one of the main reasons I turned night running one of my daily activities, as it served both as a practice and as a way of relieving the stress accumulated from my usually busy days. Being a professional tennis player was many great things, but easy was not one of them, so I recently found that running before going to sleep worked well for me, which was amazing, since I had both the perfect ambient and place to make it work.

Though this time it was different, the ambient was oddly different, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was exactly. Despite having a bad feeling about this, I decided to go anyways, since today was extremely stressful. Living on a small town surely had its perks, two of them being the lack of people and unnecessary loudness, which moved in my favour, since I dislike both.

A cold shiver went down my spine as I heard cracks coming from inside the woods, it was probably made by some wild animal, thing that is fairly common here, so I just chose to ignore it, even if it made me be more attentive for the rest of the path.




It was the sound of my phone ringing, so I quickly took it out my pocket to see who's calling me this late.


That name was familiar to me, but I didn't exactly know who it could be, since I don't interact often with people with that name, which made me not answer the call. Whatever the matter was, if it was extremely important, the person would call again or just message me. At least that's what I thought before I put back the phone where it previously was.




It rang again. This time I decided to answer it, taking out the ringing phone of my pocket once more. I pressed the tempting green button on the screen, a loud breathing noise could be heard from the call, and only after a minute, which seemed like a lot more, passed, soft meows could be heard, each time getting more and more louder.

That's when I knew I was done for, I knew he would find me.



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