Back to Work


I started working again today after 5 months! I broke my foot back in July and had to get surgery and take physical therapy. I had my morning shift and everything went well! I started working at a new school that is very cute and the kids aren't too bad. Today two little boys were talking about 2 years ago (out of context), and one of the boys says "I wasn't even born two years ago" 

That made me start thinking about how children perceive time and when it regulates. Maybe at a different age for everyone. I try thinking back on my childhood but I just remember thinking 13 was old enough to do lots of things and that I understood everything. Interesting how that works! "You'll understand when you're older" can be a very accurate statement!

After work I cleaned up quite a bit! Threw some trash away, cleaned up the kitchen a bit, the room a bit, and the desk a bit. My partner went to therapy and now I am watching Lilo and Stitch <3 one of my favorite childhood shows :,) I am going to shower a bit later and get ready for my second shift of work, but until then-just relaxing!

Meghan <3

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stargirl's profile picture

I was a pre-k teacher for six years! I love how little kids have such a weird perception of time. One of my favorite quotes was from this super mischievous cutie who said, "When I was first born, I was a good girl. I don't know what happened." So funny!

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Princess Paris ♡

Princess Paris ♡'s profile picture

I'm a preschool teacher!! I've been working with kids for like 5 years so I know exactly what you mean! Five year olds walk around talking about 'when they were a baby' and I'm like okay Jim Carrey sit down and eat your pasta. LOL, kids are so funny.
I hope your foot feels better!!!

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Ahhh I love that! I was a preschool teacher for 2 years :,) favorite job ever! And yess the kids make me laugh so hard! I picked up one of my pre-K kids and she goes “oof I’m getting big!”

by Meghan <3; ; Report

hahaha at least she's aware that she's growing

by Princess Paris ♡; ; Report