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The Incredibles | THEILLEST | 2

OK OK OK, I'm back. The second instillation of THEILLEST is on my favorite movie, and some super ill shit. The incredibles. This is gonna be more of a breakdown on why i love this movie, and less of an actual movie breakdown. 
For some general background, The Incredibles is a 2004 animated movie about a family of superheros. The main conflict throughout the story arises when the father of the household (bob), a once famous superhero, trying to navigate a workforce life in a world where superheroes are not allowed to participate in hero work. This devolves into a conflict between between bob (Mr.Incredible) and a past fan turned supervillain. 

OK brief summary out the way, let me tell you why i love this shit. 
From the opening scene, the Incredibles is absolutely iconic, so we're gonna start there. The first words of the movie are Mr.Incredible, i think wonderfully fitting to set him up as the main character. A TV interview transpires questioning the existence, and importance of superhero identity, with the second character (besides the voice of the interviewer) being Elastigirl, importantly the second most prominent character and following the sequence, Frozone. 

I REALLY love this scene, it's short, running around a minute and a half. It cements the characters traits wonderfully well. Mr.Incredible speaks on secret identities with the line of "who wants the pressure of being super all the time" which ironic enough, while being something Mr.Incredible claims he can go without, as we move further in to the movie all Mr.Incredible does want, is the pressure of being super all the time. Showing his tendency to say what he thinks is best, and hiding his true feelings, loving the spotlight and thrill of the act. Elastigirl makes it a point to point out the situation logically, stating she couldn't go to the supermarket dressed like Elastigirl. A more logical approach. This continues on to the interviewer asking Elastigirl if she'd like to settle down, which she answers with "I'm at the top of my game!" Throughout the movie i love how almost ever decision Elastigirl makes, or anything she says is relevant and informed. Why would she settle down at her peak, and why wouldnt she have a secret identity. 
Idk why i broke that down, but really, some ill shit. The whole presentation of the scene is beautiful. A wonderful contrast to what's only a couple scenes away, our main heroes are enjoying the glory days, without even knowing it. Something Elastigirl doesnt grapple onto the same way Mr.Incredible does. Presented in a vintage tv aesthetic, highlighting the beautiful costume design, it's an amazing opening, showing the front each superhero puts on, to be contrasted or uplifted throughout the rest of the movie.

Little intermission, just to explain the powers of these heros. Mr.Incredible has super strenght, Elastigirl is stretchy, idk how else to describe it, frozone is elsa.

Jumping very far into the movie, we have the dinner scene between Mr.Incredible, after the outlaw of superheroes, meeting with a hero work employer. My main love of this scene is how absolutely beautiful the set is, and more importantly what the scene means to Mr.Incredible. He peaks into the dining area slightly early, and sees his employer talking with her boss. He asks, and is told her boss likes to remain a sense of privacy. With the information of who her boss is being revealed later, and me having seen this movie millions of time. The absolute deception of eating dinner with Mirage(his employer) really is. Being lit from the magma of a volcano, this is probably the most beautiful scene of the entire movie. The warm shadows on Mr.Incredibles face, and the tension between him and Mirage throughout the conversation doubles down on the feeling that this conversation should not be happening. Not only is Mr.Incredible lying to his wife about going to a work conference while actually being fired from his job and instead is pursuing hero work directly against her request. The added layer of obvious tension between Bob and Mirage is alarming, and highlights something i personally, do not like about bob, that mf lies a lot he's such a liar omg it's so annoying. 

Skipping another large chunk I want to highlight one more scene. This is the turning point in the movie for bob, who was acting unkowingly to his wife and family, a turning point for Elastigirl, and a turning point for our currently unrevealed villain. 
After Elastigirl meets with the designer who had just created a new supersuit for bob, she unveils supersuits for her entire family. Confusing Helen(elastigirl) she is shocked with the fact that her husband is most likely resuming hero work. To bring some context, Bob, since the first mission has been actively improving himself, working out, paying more attention to his family, and from the first mission alone gained three times his salary, meaning Bob had enough money for the family, like buying a new car. We swap to Mr.Incredible, he is infiltrating the lair of Syndrome, a villain who revealed the hero work was only a setup to kill Mr.Incredible, this setup being perpetrated by a once superfan of Mr.Incredible, who was denounced and ended up becoming a tech giant making super tech, blah blah. Mr.Incredible enters syndromes lair, to find out that past versions of syndromes robots, were pinned against many of Mr.Incredibles super hero friends killing each one. This is a huge reveal for Bob, Syndrome is planning to launch the same robot Mr.Incredible nearly lost to at the city. At the same time, Helen has called Bob's job, found out he's terminated, and ready to find out where he is. Activating the tracker in Bob's suit, she has his location. But the noise set off by the tracker gets Mr.Incredible captured by Syndrome. 
This scene is WONDERFUL the tension from this moment is high with Helen already confronting bob about resuming hero work, the tension of what she'd do after finding out is nerve wrecking. Alongside the discovery of 10's of Bob's friends being murdered by Syndrome, and the impending doom to be released upon the city, Bob is just as shocked. I think these moments lining up, and Helens actions directly leading to the reason she is going to have to save Bob in the future. It's just superb, idk I'm horrible at being analytical, but i LOVE this shit.

This movie is super ill, i left a lot of shit out, you have to check it out for yourself like seriously. It's on Disney+, if you pirate movies do that, it's worth it. 

This is my favorite movie, i've seen it hundreds of times, and it never gets old. Idk if this installment was any good cause im ngl it's a little uncoordinated. 


ok i'll be back
3 is gonna have to do with just one short type of content, probably a single track cause fuck this is too broad to write on without actually breaking down the entire movie.

ok bye

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