𝔇đ”Ļ𝔤đ”Ļ𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔏đ”Ŧ𝔤 #1

This is my first blog and I have no idea what to write, so I am just gonna write what pops into my head. Today is Sunday, and I made this account at 3am..on Sunday. My friend and I made accounts together and I was really excited because it's like twitter and Tumblr, but like 10x better. There has already been a bunch of MySpace OG's that pointed out stuff like "They will never understand TRUE MySpace" "You just had to be there", yeah well I wasn't there when it happened, but thankfully someone remade it and now I can "experience" it. That's pretty much all I can come up with from the top of the dome. Ok...Bye.

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