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Category: Life

I hate living in the 2020s, I wish I lived in the 2000s and feel like I don't belong in this decade

CW: R-slur will be used in rant. Not to dehumanise anyone, but refer to it as how others treated me. 

This rant was written in frustration, anger, regretfulness, and sadness, so take it as you may. But this is my Two Cents on my Generation.

I was born in 2002. My parents met in 1997, my dad was turning 32 and my mom was turning 30 that year. They decided they were ready to have kids in the early 2000s. So I came along and then my sister in 2004. 

Growing up, I was always a timid person who enjoyed being alone most of the time, but I did enjoy playing with friends. When I started school, I would always hangout by myself during recess. Which did concern teachers, since nobody wants a kid hanging out by themselves outside. But I did overtime more so build attachments towards my teachers and instructors from outside activities. My parents would always do anything to make sure I was getting out of the house, trying new things, and socialising with people. But no matter what I did, I never seem build close friendships with people. I've always been an outcast in my Generation it seems.

When I was in Grade 8 (2015-16), I started to get into more forms of media from the 90s and 2000s. Like music, tv shows, movie and other things etc. Like it made me wish I could back to that time and experience that stuff in its prime. I know streaming services make it more convenient to consume those forms of media. But like seeing the Only 90s Kids and Today's Kids Won't Know posts made me feel like I missed out. Or it's bad I was born in the 2000s and grew up with what I had. I always like older forms of media. 

When I started in high school in 2016 and it was some of the shittiest years of my life. Like I was an outcast and didn't really have any friends. I struggled with social anxiety and was desperately trying to fit in with the cool kids. Like no matter what I did, I never got invited to hang outside with people. I felt so left out and like there was nothing for me to do to make friends. I did Swim Team and Lacrosse, but never ended up making friends. I tried hanging out with people but unfortunately, it never got me anywhere. Felt like I never connected with anyone my age and I left high school with zero friends from. I always felt depressed living in this day and age, like I don't belong here. With COVID taking away my Prom and Commencement, I felt like I never got that chance to dress up as well and celebrate. High School ended terribly for me. I just wanted a chance as well to be beautiful and graduate.

To add, I specifically went to my high school for Regional Communication program. It is designed for students with severe reading and/or writing learning disabilities. A lot of the learning we did was technology and digital. I would also be put in the same five classes with the same people all Semester. While I had three electives to meet other people, I still HATED being a part of that program. Because I wanted people to see me as normal and I wanted to meet others in my school. I felt like people didn't want to hang out with me because of being disabled or just felt bad. It sucked people only seeing me as a Retard and not seeing anything else. I want to be a part of the regular mainstream classes, so I felt like I fit in and had a normal high school experience.

What also happened was I enjoyed a lot of music from the 90s/2000s Decade and after I left high school, I started getting more into the decade. Plus heading off to college, I felt very isolated from my peers and like I cannot enjoy anything modern. Like I cannot stand most modern music, tv shows, movies, tech and anything else. I like prefer physical copies and the different times. I started a CD Collection and eventually bought my own Walkman. I also preferred 2000s Emo and Scene style over fucking E-Girl and TikTok styles. I just felt I don't relate to anyone my age. I miss 2000s' Emo Culture.

I wish I had the opportunities to go to Vans Warped Tour and see more alternative/pop punk/metalcore bands in their prime. Like I hate Emo Rap and 2020s Pop Punk music. Concert Scene feels depressing nowadays.

I miss HMV and Blockbuster. I want to still buy CDs and DVDs.

I love 2000s Fashion, it looks so much better than any fashion trends I see today. I also love Point and Shoot cameras. And physical photos. I know people hate the quality of Point and Shoots, but I'll take that any day over Touchscreen Phone Cameras. 

I miss MuchMusic and MTV countdowns and waiting to watch music videos. Like I felt like nobody cares about live music anymore and just wants to record shit. Not fucking enjoy the moment. I feel like with all these tech advancements, it has caused my Generation to lack patience. I cannot stand how many people in this era are such whiny crybabies and cannot take a joke. Like I hate Cancel Culture and people who get offended by everything. Or those who make everything an issue.

With more tech advancements, more kids unfortunately are losing their abilities to read and write. They got rid of teaching cursive writing in school. Now how tf are kids going to learn how to a damn signature.

As well, I miss when housing and rent were more affordable. Like I cannot move out on my own just yet unfortunately. The inflation at places in the past decade is just depressing and like I might not be able to live out my own in 5 years.

I also wish I was born much earlier so I could have more time with my Paternal Grandmother. She was 69 in 2002. I only had 11 1/2 years with her. While my cousins who were born in the 80s and early 90s, she got to seem them grow up, go off to post-secondary, and become adults. She never got to me and my sister become teenagers. Like I wish my parents met sooner and had me. I'm sad I never got to make as many memories with my Grandma as my cousins did. I miss her so much. 

I also find that at my age and what I am interested in, other people don't even give me the time of day. Like me wanting to be born in a different time is a crazy idea and like I don't deserve friends. Or even Millennials will be like "Sorry, I have no time or interest to hang out with an adolescent" That can be because I didn't grow up exactly the way they did or think I only like what my Generation does. I just feel talked downed to or try to do what their Generation did. It's not good enough. Like I feel nobody wants to be friends with me. I wish I was born sooner. I just hate the 2020s and being a part of Gen Z. I feel everyone just finds a reason to not want to be my friend. Like I wish there was somewhere to go to meet people like me, who loves the 2000s as much as I do.

8 Kudos


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Samuel Travis

Samuel Travis's profile picture

I was born in 1991 and my parents meet in 1987. I dislike the 2010s decade. 2000s was the last great decade.

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xxRebellious_Emmaxx's profile picture

As someone born in 2006, my life has been really similar to yours (though I do currently have a lot of friends) and I agree with everything you said here.

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I was being angry and angsty when I wrote this LOL

But I still stand by some of what I said LOL

by AltWoman_XD; ; Report


note2self's profile picture

This is real af. I miss the 2000s too much but ig more of it is to do with being everything I love is from the 2000s. Music, TV shows, video games, etc was just way cooler back then compared to now and I always feel like its just me. Alot of things that were cool to do always had me wishing I wasn't as young those times around or just wish I had more times/experiences with. Overall, idk what to think much about nowadays but there's some things of the present thats been cool but the thing that keeps remaining for me is just how it can't beat the 2000s

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Ghastly's profile picture

i dunno, speaking as someone who really had to live there in the 2000s, it kinda sucked too.

Every era has it own problems, so believe me when I say, people in the 2000s weren't kind to outcasts too either.

You got the bush years, the pressure to be skinny/look pretty which caused a ton of eating disorders, people hurling gay as an insult, hating on female celebrities (no wonder britney spear got so messed up), hating on emos, the war on terror etc..

Oh you think cancel culture today is bad? Just ask the Dixie chicks when they criticized the US president at the time.

You will find that the more things change the more things stay the same.

While I enjoyed the culture, and don't get me wrong there was the fun stuff like music and the wild west of the web, I wouldn't go back. Especially since I´ve seen some things starting to improve in these past years.

The thing is a lot of people think they´re born in the wrong generation, and think everything was great in the past (even thought its more of seeing the past in rose tinted glasses)

But the thing is even if you could go back in time you would still bring yourself, and that is not something that one can easily escape from.

The best time to ever exist? The present. cliche I know, but sometimes you just got accept it. both the good and the bad)

And what do with it? Well just focus, on the things you love, enjoy your fascinating with older culture, and find your people, (I mean you´re on spacehey, if anything there is no lack of people here who love the 2000s, both gen z and older, you even enjoy a group or something)

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Thank you for your comment!

I will say it did seem society was advancing a lot until a certain "politician" got power of the United States in 2016. The US is definitely not the worst place in the world to live, but it's depressing how heavily divided it has become. I live in Canada, while it is not as bad as the States, it's still not any better. I know people thought Bush was the worst president at the time, but they didn't know what was coming in the future.

Even using TikTok, I was viewing "Born In The Wrong Generation" videos. I saw many young girls wishing they could live in the 1950s and thought men treated women much better. That was NOT the case. Since in that decade, women had very little rights and until I think the 60s or 70s, it was normalised for men to be violent and controlling over all women. It was only expected for women to bare children and be a housewife. Unfortunately, there are still many countries in the world today. Where women still have little to no rights and their man has all the say. And even being gay is still illegal.

It also makes me cringe when I hear people say "Feminism is the worst thing to happen in society." Like without Feminism, women would not be able to work and go off to school. They would never have the same opportunities that are available today. Also I am glad I am allowed to wear pants, have my own credit card in my name, and take birth control. Even though 1971 was over half a century ago, still wasn't that too long ago.

I even saw Boomers complaining about social media and how time was better before it. Yes social media can be toxic, but there some good parts about it. Plus it's so ironic seeing people say "I hate social media so much. I miss a simpler time." Like if people hate social media, why do they have it? I don't think anyone is holding a gun up to their head saying you must have it or else.

I do miss the time as I said, where housing and rent were more affordable. And when concert tickets were more affordable and not crazy expensive. (Fuck you Ticketmaster, you greedy corporate scums!) I was watching an interview with Nirvana back in 1993. Kurt Cobain was genuinely shocked to hear Madonna charging over $50 for one ticket. Nowadays, $50 is considered affordable pricing for a concert lol.

Although I would have loved to have gone to a Vans Warped Tour and see many musicians in certain eras of their career. There are still many of those bands I love that are still making new music and touring. But I also think of Classic Rock fans, who much of their favourite artists have retired from performing or have long passed lol

Plus many people from every Generation would love to see certain artists or bands live. Like imagine how many would have loved to have seen The Beatles, Tupac or even Nirvana live. Or go to Woodstock 1969 lol

The Body Positivity Movement. I am glad it uplifting to let everyone know that you look beautiful, no matter what. Cause as someone who has struggled with their self-esteem and hated how they looked. I'm glad I have become more comfortable in my skin over the years. Glad to know belly fat, acne, stretch marks and cellulite is totally normal. Nothing wrong with being overweight or fat, but I still don't agree with people who encourage someone that obesity is healthy. But I will say, there are more uplifting ways to help someone live a more healthy lifestyle without body shaming.

While I know with Women's Fashion, there was a lot of ridiculous and arguably toxic trends. But I do miss layered shirts cause I hate seeing crop tops everywhere. Even though showing your belly was considered trendy in those days.

Plus with the whole Millennials vs. Gen Z War. I think instead of being divided on who had it better or who the cooler trends. We should be coming together and celebrate all we enjoy.

One reason I wish I was born sooner, was so I could have more time with my Grandma. I wish she got to see me grow up, like she got to see with my cousins. I miss her everyday.

Anyways, thanks for sharing for your perspectives on that era and what you experienced. <3

Really appreciate it.

by AltWoman_XD; ; Report

And I also have a Samsung Galaxy Flip 4. Best alternative to Flip Phones from the 2000s lol

by AltWoman_XD; ; Report

You´re welcome, it was nice reading yours too.

Your fliphone seems nice.

I used to have one until 2015, when it suddenly stopped functioning, and I ended up switch to a smartphone, I dunno >I I made the right choice, but I need something that more convenient for work.

On the plus side I was able to install a emulator and plays old gameboy and ds games.

And you´re right about generation divide being silly, for one it was something created for marketing purposes... and for another?

I have seen Gen Z adopting fashion trends that were relevant when I myself was a teen, it like time has come a full circle and we all probably have more in common than we think.

by Ghastly; ; Report

Yeah definitely lol. With today's networks, flip phones from the 2000s won't work on it lol.

Plus convenience of having a smartphone. And I decided to delete Snapchat recently. Like I honestly found it unnecessary and didn't have much options. Plus you got no profile on the app, unlike other social media platforms.

I guess everything has its pros and cons lol

by AltWoman_XD; ; Report


by Ghastly; ; Report