Some intro surveys to get to know me, i know its quite a bit but id really appreciate if you read them all!!





Month of birth:


Any siblings?: 

i live with 1 (technically half) sister and then i have a stepsister on my sisters dads side of the family but i dont really see her anymore bcs her mom and my mom dont like each other, and then i have an older sister and a younger brother on my dads side of the family but ive never met them.

Parents still married?:

they never were married


i am a student, i was dropped out of high school and now im enrolled but i havent actually been going, but im trying to get into college.

Do you like your job?:  

i dont have a job but id like one, but i did used to volunteer at the pet shop in my town and i really enjoyed that because i got to hang out there all day with my friends who work there and i used to hold the baby lizards and give them all little baths and they had a reallyyyyy big snake and my friends showed me the snake skins and tarantula skins that they had and they were so cool. one of them also used to buy monster for me heheh >:3 but my corner shop sells me it now. but then i didnt really go for a really long time and then i wouldnt go back because i was scared my friends forgot about me and i didnt want to embarass myself, but i wish i was still friends with them because they were really cool :c

Any pets?: 

i have 3 cats, but theres some pets id like

Hair color:  

Natural brown but atm black

Eye color: 

blue + green

Shoe size: 

im not really sure

Any tattoos?: 

not yet >:3

Any piercings?: 

also not yet, i used to have my ears pierced but they closed up. theres so many piercings that i want

Current mood: 

very happy

Current wardrobe choice: 

any shirt with long sleeved shirt under it + sweatpants and off brand high top converse

What are you listening to?:

killer queen by queen

Who did you speak with on the phone?: 

my girlfriend

What do you currently smell like?:


Last movie you watched?: 

im not sure

Last Magazine you looked at: 


Last Thing you ate: 

a chicken wrap from mcdonalds, and nuggets and fries

Last Book you read:

a book called the midnight library

Last TV show you watched: 

family guy

Last Time you cried:  

uhhh i think last night

Last Took a shower:


Last Got a letter (aka snail mail):  

a really long time ago, but i would love to send letters to people if anyone wants to. Email me about it! ----> <3

Last restaurant you ate at (not fast food):  

im not sure, its been a really long time since ive been to a resteraunt but id love to go to one

Last CD you bought: 

hmmm i havent bought a music cd in a really long time! but the last games i bought on cd were assassins creed II for xbox and gears of war 2 for xbox 360

What is/was the best thing to happen to you today?:

talking to my gf and my mom and making lots of new friends on spacehey

What is/was Your most prized possession: 

my guitars 


sorry for the bad quality photos, these r the only photos i have on my pc

What is/was Your first vehicle:

i cant drive yet but when i can i would like a jeep or a truck or a campervan

What is/was Your current vehicle: 


What is/was Your favorite quote: 

"when youre lost in the darkness, look for the light", "you cant stop this" 

What is/was You bedtime (on average): 

around 5:30am-8:30am 

What is/was Your best trait/characteristic:

My eyes

What is/was Your worst trait/characteristic: 

my hair

Do you store things under your bed?:

i did when i had one, atm i have a mattress but im getting a floor bed

Do you Daydream:  

yes, all the time

Do you Have a computer at home:  

i technically do not, but i have a PC and monitor

Do you Live in the city, suburbs, or country: 

technically none, id love to live in the countryside and we dont rlly have cities here in england, just towns. so i guess you could say i live in a town

Do you Live in a home, apartment, duples, or mobile home: 

rented home

Do you Own a cell phone:

yes but not one that currently works

Do you Have a good luck charm: 

yes, my bracelet with rose beads, and my red charm bracelet, and also a polaroid of me, any of my crystals, and a charm of a infinity symbol in a heart on my keychain, and i also carry a little hello kitty charm that my friend vince gave me for my bday in my hello kitty purse

Do you Collect anything: 

yes, bottle caps, crystals, beads, bracelets, guitars

Do you Attend Highschool or college: 


Do you Make good grades: 

no o.O

Have you ever Had a surgery: 

Yes i have X3

Have you ever Had teeth pulled: 


Have you ever Broke the law intentionally: 

yes o.O

Have you ever Ran away from home?: 


Have you ever Broke a bone?:

somehow i have not

Have you ever Cheated on a test/exam:


Have you ever Had a friend pass away: 

not human but i have had pet friends pass away :c and my great nan passed away, i miss her

Have you ever Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: 

i cant drive

Have you ever Been in a auto accident: 


Have you ever Lied to someone: 


Have you ever Been lied to:

yes, a lot

Your favorite place to be: 

uhhhh probably in nature, in skate shops, music shops, or around animals, GUITAR SHOPS (!!!)

Your Favorite Place to visit:

um probably wherever my girlfriend is

Your favorite place to chill: 

smoke spots, skateparks, abandoned places

Your favorite non-alcoholic drink: 

Peach Lipton, Diet coke, any caramel coffee drink

Your favorite alcoholic drink: 

any beer as long as its not gross beer

Your favorite type of food:


Your favorite food/dish: 

chow mein

Your favorite dessert: 

uhh probably ice cream or ben and jerrys cookie dough bites, idk i dont rlly like sweet foods

Your favorite shampoo & conditioner: 

anything raspberry scented, and products that dont do animal testing/are against animal cruelty

Your favorite toothpaste:

anything thats not minty, so preferably kids toothpaste, i especially like bubblegum flavor

Your favorite salad dressing:

garlic and herb dressing + also especially balsamic dressing

Your favorite ice cream:  

that depends, if plain then chocolate or bubblegum, and if not plain then biscoff or cookie dough

Your favorite fast food establishment: 

subway/any chinese resteraunt

Your favorite color: 

blue or pink or red or black

Your favorite season: 

winter + autumn because i love the cold even though i have a medical conditon where my hands go numb and painful and change colors in the cold

Your favorite holiday: 

probably halloween because i can dress up as characters that i like and act like them and people will think im just pretending >:3

Your favorite perfume/cologne: 

hmm im not sure but yves saint laurent smells really good

Your favorite video game: 

The Last Of Us, I, II, Left behind + American dreams. the TLOU franchise basically.

Your favorite TV show: 

HBO's adaptation of the last of us

Your favorite smell(s): 

hmmm im not really sure

Your favorite article of clothing: 

mmmm probably like shoes or boxers or cute tank tops. comfy pants, oversized jeans, oversized shirts umm suits but only on women, hats, band shirts


Your favorite book:  

The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime, the LIS comics

Your favorite children’s book:  

uhhh maybe where the wild things are, the chronicles of narnia

Your favorite candy:

im not sure

Your favorite car: 

VW campervans, black jeeps

Do you believe in karma: 


Do you believe in god: 

i believe that greek gods exist, but its not personally my religion. i do not believe in the christian god

Do you believe in Heaven & Hell: 

on and off. i believe in similar concepts but not specifically the stereotypical heaven/hell/purgatory. sometimes i believe in reincarnation and sometimes i believe theres nothing after death, just peace. 

Do you believe that aliens exist: 


Do you believe that ghosts exist: 


Do you believe in horoscopes: 


Do believe in others you know (family, friends, co-workers, etc): 

yes of course

Do you believe in yourself: 


Your opinion on the death penalty: 

it depends on the crime, and whether the criminal is rightfully guilty or falsely accused

Your opinion on reciting the Pledge of allegiance in schools: 


Your opinion on homosexuals in the military: 

people seriously give a crap about that? just let people be who they are bro

Your opinion on the war in the Middle East:

i disagree with all wars

Your opinion on current gas/fuel prices: 

i think its very unfair.

SpaceHey Survey

1. how long have you been on Spacehey? 

4 months

2. how many friends do you have on Spacehey? 


3. how many hours per day are you on spacehey? 

most of the day, on and off

4. What's your profile aesthetic? 

p i n k

5. how did you find out about spacehey? 

tiktok, but i am NOT  a trend hopper. i hate social media, ESPECIALLY tiktok

6. what's your favorite thing about spacehey so far?

being able to just blog whatever im thinking about/all the cool ppl on here, apart from some of the big creators everyones really nice and theres not many problematic people.

7. what don't you like about spacehey?  

the whole 311 situation.

8. do you plan on using spacehey in the future? 


9. Name 5 people you made friends with on Spacehey? 

Raine, rayne, tyler, marz, himari

10. Is Spacehey your go to social media? 

Yes. its tied with pinterest and in second place is tumblr

Name: Angel

Gender: Xenofluid

Pronouns: She/her and neos

Age: 14

Sexuality/romantic: lesbian/nmlnm, aroace, polyamorous

Fave band: queen

Fave song:  i have too many

Current hyperfixation(s): so many things this is gonna take me ages to type... TLOU, my gf, music, guitars, minecraft, apocolypticism, survivalism, cars, lego, art, tattoos, fashion, psychology, neuroscience, toxicology, forensics, anatomy, astronomy, space science, piano, piercings, singing, pharmocology, mycology, ohiocordyceps unilateralis, scientific theories, conspiracy theories, logicality, time (for example butterfly theory, the way gravity and space bends time, etc), the theory of general relativity "wormhole theory", earth science, acting, vfx, game designing/developing, geology, oceanography, meteorology, biology, zoology, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, neurophysiology, photography, guitar repair + customisation, anatomy of musical intsruments, arcane + league of legends specifically Jinx and also specifically the song get jinxed, learning about religion: political and moral values, history, vehicles such as trains, ambulances, police cars etc, geography, weapons, true crime, criminology, diy/making things, cameras, learning about things in general, learning about animals, bugs, reptiles etc, exercising

....told you there was a lot o.O

What are you listening too rn: 

dream on by aerosmith

What concerts have you been too: 

i have never been to a concert in person, but ive been on one of billie eilish's online concerts that she did during covid. ive also seen band covers at camping shows and on holiday

What's your subculture(s):  

i dont really have any in specific. i like many different styles and music genres. i just wear and listen to whatever i like.

1. Name? (feel free to skip this one) 


2. Any nicknames at all? 

Ellie, Baby Rose, Powder

3. What's your sexuality? 

AroAce and lesbian + polyamorous

4. What are your pronouns? 

she/her and neos

5. What's your gender? 


6. Are you dating someone at all (platonic, romantic or sexual)? 

yes, my gf was my queer platonic partner and now shes my romantic partner

7. Would you ever date someone, whether it'd be platonically, romantically or sexually? 


8. What music artist or band do you listen to? 


9. What's your favorite song, whether it'd be from said artist/band or not? 

i cant choose

10. Are you an extrovert, ambivert or introvert? 


11. Are you an otherkin or fictionkin?  

i am a fictionkin to multiple characters

12. Who is your favorite game/anime/book/show character? 

my favourite game is tlou, my favourite anime is probably kakegurui ponyo or madoka magica, and my favourite show character is stewie griffin, brian griffin, joel miller, and ellie williams, oh and frank from tlou

13. Are you religious? 

No. im atheist. i believe in some atheistic satanic values but i myself am not a satanist.

14. Are you aroace, or do you believe you're on the spectrum? 


15. Favorite game?


16. Favorite anime?

kakegurui, ponyo, madoka magica, glitter force

17. Favorite book? 

the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime

18. Favorite show? 


19. Do you have many friends or little to no friends? 

little to no friends

20. Do you have a crush by any chance? 

yes, on my gf

21. Favorite color? 

it varies

22. Favorite animal? 

giraffe, cat, dinasour

23. Does your preference lean towards men or women? 

women + fem presenting

24. Do you have any phobias? 

yes, ending up alone

25. Do you engage in drama almost all the time?  

no, i try my hardest to avoid it, its one of the things i hate the most and i dont see the point

26. Do you still watch kids shows?

yes definitely

27. Do you still play kids games? 


28. Least favorite game? 

hmmm fortnite

29. Least favorite show/movie? 

im not sure

30. Least favorite anime? 


food survey

are you vegan/vegetarian? 

i was previously vegan, atm im neither because i cant afford that diet atm but when i live on my own and have my own money i want to be vegitarian

favorite meal? 

chow mein

favorite desert? 

ice cream

favorite snack? 


favorite candy? 

im not sure

favorite chocolate flavor? 

dark chocolate, peanut butter, caramel

favorite ice cream flavor? 

im too lazi to retype it

favorite muffin? 

blueberry, specifically  the ones from mcdonalds

do you prefer chocolate or vanilla?  


favorite fruit? 

probably raspberry and tinned mandarin

favorite vegetable? 

cucumber/cabbage/red cabbage/brocoli

favorite cheese? 


favorite meat?  

i dont really like meat but i like beef and i like subway meatballs

favorite pasta?  

chow mein noodles or spaghetti noodles

do you put pineapple on pizza? 


do you eat oranges with or without peals? 


do you like spicy food? 

Yes but my spice tolerance is low

do you like sour food? 


least favorite food? 

hmm anything with a bad texture

Myspace survey (50 questions)

1. What is your best friends name? Morgane + Caylyn

2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now? that is a very weird question, but white

3. What are you listening to right now? get jinxed

4. Whats your favorite number? 0428

5. What was the last thing you ate? mcdonalds

6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? uhhh probably turqouise cyan blue or that one really deep voilet purple

7. How is the weather right now? clear

8. Who was the last person you talked 2 on the phone?  my gf

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? uhh nothing rlly

10. Do you have a significant other? yes

11. Favorite TV show? tlou

12. Siblings? yes

13. Height? 5'0

14. Hair color? brown

15. Eye Color? blue and green

16. Do you wear contacts? no

17. Favorite Holiday? halloween 

18. Month? uhh idk

19. Have you ever cried for no reason? all the time

20. What was the last movie you watched?  i do not know

21. Favorite Day of the Year? valentines day or the 9th of december

22. Are you too shy to ask someone out?  no, but when i do i get anxious and giddy of what theyll say

23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)? yes

24. Hugs or Kisses? both

25. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate i hate vanilla

26. Do you want your friends to respond to this? i would really likeif they did but they dont have to

27. Who is most likely to respond? my gf

28. Who is least likely to respond? my friends who arent very actiuve

29. What books are you reading? not rlly any atm

30. Piercings? not yet

31. Favorite movies? im not sure

32. Favorite football Team? i dont rlly watch football much but i was raised around liverpool lovers so i guess liverpool

33. what were u doing before this?  i cant actually remember, i think i was messaging ,my gf and my mom

34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? personally i like toffee or salted, it depends if im in a salty or sweet mood

37. Dogs or cats? both

38. Favorite flower? black roses

39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?  YES.

40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex? no

41. Have you ever loved someone? yes

42. Who would you like to see right now? my girlfriend and also her mom bcs i want to thank her mom for everything shes done for me in person

43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten? im not sure if nursery would be the english equivalent to kindergarten but i do have a friend from nursery

44. Have you ever fired a gun? not yet

45. Do you like to travel by plane? i have never tried but i think i would

46. Right-handed or Left-handed? right

47. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 atm i have four but the other two are not clean rn

48. Are you missing someone? yes

49. Do you have a Tattoo? not yet

50. Anybody on myspace that you'd go on a date with? i dont specifically have a crush on anyone on here but everyone on here is pretty cool

How old are you: 14

Zodiac sign: Libra

Eye color: blue + green

Hair color: brown

Hair type: inbetween wavy and curly but my sideburns and baby hairs are very curly

Height: 5'0

Your heritage: uhh im not rlly sure bcs i cant remember what heritage means

What's your middle name: elizabeth (catherine) rose

Your weakness: jealousy, attachment issues, seperation anxiety, abandonment issues/anxiety

Your fear: ending up alone

Who is your best friend: caylyn and morgane

When is your bedtime: 5:30am-8:30am

Pepsi or coke: for some reason i like the taste of pepsi better but always choose coke over pepsi

mc Donalds or burger king: McDonalds 

What is your biggest pet peeve: most rich people, most men, trans ppl who r transphobic, gay ppl who r homophobic, "allies"/people in the lgbtqia+ community who only support certian parts of the community, neo/xeno antis

Do you want to go to university: yes

Have you ever been in love: yes

Do you want to get married: yes

Do you believe in others: yes

Do you like thunderstorms: it depends but most of the time yes

Do you play an instrument: yes

How many CDs do you own: im not sure

How many DVDs do you own?: im also not sure

How many tattoos do you have: none yet

How many piercings do you have: none yet

Shoes: i mainly wear Converse

Radio station: uhhhhh idk

Drink: lipton diet coke 

Place: im athome rn

Movie: im noy sure

Color: varies

Are you attracted to someone who does not know it: no

Would you like to be someone's fantasy: YES

Do you kiss with your eyes closed or open: who the hell kisses with their eyes open

are they lizards

Older or younger: i prefer older but not illegal pedophilic older. i have had crushes on adults before but i would never date them

Do you like to cuddle: definitely

What is today's date: february 3rd 2023 i think

What time is it: 04:50am

Do you love someone: yes

Does someone love you: yes

20 questions

Who are you texting? my gf

Why aren't you in 'love' with your last ex anymore? she r4p3d me and is friends w my abusive ex and also cheated on me w him 

Do you think anyone has feelings for you? my gf

How late did you stay up last night and why? i cant remember

What do you currently hear right now? music

Do you smoke crack everyday? no and thats a very weird question

When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? caylyn 3 hrs ago

What's your favorite smell? im not sure 

Ever kissed in the rain? no

What are you thinking about right now? my hyperfixations and my gf

What should you be doing? nothing

Do you like working in the yard? yes

What color are your eyes? Blue + green

Is there someone you just can't imagine your life without? Yes

Where did you get your last bruise from? i cant remember

Have you ever got a D or F on your report card? idk bcs in the uk we dont use letters for grades and we dont have report cards

If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be? loughnane

Were you happy when you woke up today? yes

Do you believe in true love? Yes

Will your next kiss be a mistake? No

Survey 5

1st taken 2/2/23

Name(s)? Online: Angel | IRL: max,chloe,jinx,star,estella | Nicknames: Ellie, baby Rose, Powder/powpow

Pronouns? neos + she/her

Relationship Status? happily taken

Orientation(s)? lesbian, aroace, xenofluid, polyamorous

Zodiac Sign? libra

Do you wear makeup? not rlly

Favorite aesthetic? i dont rlly have a favourite

Advice you would have given 10 y/o you? lmao run

What's your favorite season?  winter/autumn

Favorite holiday? halloween

Do you prefer to text or call? if its my mom bsfs or gf then call but anyone else text


name: Angel

nickname: whatever ppl wanna call me but pls dont use my irl names if you know me online and please dont call me ellie unless youre my gf

age: 14

pronouns: she/her/neos

birthday: 27th september 2008

siblings: 4

straight/bi/gay: lesbian, aroace, poly

job: student


hair color: brown but black atm

eye color: blue + green

height: 5'0

ethnicity: white, british

look like a celeb: my gf and my mom says i look like ellie so i guess you could say that means i look like ashley. also have had multiple people tell me that i look like billie eilish

dye your hair: black

have bangs: yes

have braces: no 

wear glasses: im supposed to but in my gfs words they are not actively on my face

wear contacts: no 

piercings: not yet

tattoos: eventually


Color: varies

Movie: varies

TV show: tlou

animal: cats giraffes dinasours

drink: lipton diet coke any caramel coffee drink

food:chow meinnnnn

alcoholic drink: beer

day of the week: monday

season: winter and autumn

song: too many

sport: gymnastics, baseball, swimming, archery, horseriding, boxing, shooting, skating, dance, volleyball, cheerleading

restaurant: frankie and bennys, any italian/mexican/chinese/japanese restaurant

teacher: my yr7 history teacher, she was so sweet and i was her favourite student and i had a minor crush on her. i miss her she was my favourite.

subject: science geography music art psychology computer science

holiday: halloween

book: the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime

magazine: mc magazines, vogue, and rock magazine

flower: black roses

memory: meeting my gf, my yr7 history classes, dance gym and cheer, my memories from my early childhood


person you hugged: irl idk, online my gf

thing you said: talking to my gf abt my sisters weird pronunciation of assault

thing you ate:takeout

texted: gf

you called: gf

called you: gf

person you saw: bio mom

you had a long conversation with: gf abt space + cordyceps/apocolypticism and a theory i came up with, and life on other planets. also abt ,my childhood and my sister and my mom.


summer or winter: winter

cats or dogs: both

Pepsi or Coke: coke

cell phone or Ipod: ipod 

ocean or pool: both

black or white: black

chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

flowers or candy: flowers

rock or rap: rock

TV or movie: tv

AIM or MySpace: myspace

stars or hearts: stars

bracelets or necklaces: bracelets

gold or silver: silver

kisses or hugs: both

pen or pencil: pen


smoked: no

stayed home from school: yes

been to the mall: yes

bought a book: no

been to a show/concert: no  

yelled at someone: yes

got into a fight/argument: yes

cried to a friend: yes

told the truth: yes


TV: yes

your own phone: yes

your own phone line: no

VCR: no

DVD player: no

radio: i wish

computer: yes

posters: yes

of what?:stuff i drew and sanrio posters and a minecraft poster

pictures: yes

of who?: me, me and my ex bsf


taken or single: taken

got a crush: on my gf and multiple fictional characters/celeberities

LGBTQ+ Survey

Stolen From @LungsFilledOfRoses

1. Are you questioning still?


2. Are you in the closet?

i dont tell everyone but i dont hide it either, but no one at school knows other than my close friend evelyn

3. Do you live in a transphobic and/or homophobic household?

yes but they pretend theyre not

4. Do you have any lgbtqia+ friends?


5. Are you cisgender?


6. If you’re comfortable with saying what’s your sexuality?

aroace poly lesbian

7. If you’re comfortable saying what’s your gender?


8. What are your pronouns?


9. Have you heard verbatim by mother mother?

of course

10. Do you like rainbows?


11. Any favorite lgbtqia+ musicians and/or band?

girl in red, melanie martinez

12. Are you out to anybody?


13. Do you like frogs (not related but still)?


14. Have you ever cried to a Cavetown song?

i think so, but i odnt listen to cavetown anymore

15. Do you understand gay humor?


16. When did you realize you were lgbtqia+?


17. Do you want a platonic partner?

i have had one before so i would not be opposed to the idea. not currently looking for one tho

18. Are you aroace?


19. Have you ever been misgendered?

all the timew

20. Are you amazing? (Cause you really are trust me)


Relationship Survey A-Z (26 Questions)

survey copied from Celina Polina🖤


A. Longest real relationship? 

i wouldnt rlly count it bcs it was just this dude i dated when i was like 10 but 2 yrs

B. Shortest relationship? 

1 day. i got broken up with

C. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have told you they love you? 

i do not know how many

D. Have you ever thought that you were going to marry the person you were dating? 


E. Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? 

yes, negatively and positively

F. Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?

yes but not intentionally

G. Are you happier single or in a relationship? 


H. Ever been cheated on? 


I. What is your favorite thing about the opposite/same sex? 

women with body hair/muscular women with long hair

J. Have you ever broken someones heart? 


K. Talk to any of your exes still? 


L. If you could go back- would you change things so you could still be with your ex? 


M. Do any of your exs feel the same way? 


N. Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend?


O. Have you dated people who were not good to you? 


P. Have you dated someone older than you?


Q. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

not always

R. Believe in love at first sight?


S. Ever dated two people at once? 

yes im poly

T. How many people have you kissed? 

i do not know

U. Do you want to get married? 


V. Do you have something to say to any of your exes? 

fuck all of u

W. Ever stolen someones boyfriend or girlfriend? 


X. Ever liked someone elses boyfriend or girlfriend? 


Y. Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds?


Z. Are you looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend? 

not currently


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