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Today was ok, the morning from 6 am to 9:55am was great but from like 9:55 to 10:47am was horrid. That’s my earthscience period and I swear 2 fucking god my teacher is a pain in my ass! he’s so annoying, loud, and always b stalling during our fucking lessons then says that we “waste time” like bitch, you are the one who is wasting our fucking time over the same 3 kids who b on their phones, like if they don’t wanna learn, ignore them! dont waste time for the ppl that do wanna ACTUALLY learn and not make their day even worse.  and it’s not even him doing that, anytime he speaks honestly puts me in a bad mood like omfg I hate it!

ok sorry so like after that the day went smooth, I did whatever i had 2 do and then I had sum good ass Chinese food like GOOD Chinese food, then after I went home typing out this lil entry rn, well that’s it thx 4 reading this mess of an entry!

-xOxO, planetzeke

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Motte's profile picture

ugh i always hated kids who ruined classes for everybody else. feel bad for the teacher because he's probably getting blamed for the kids' laziness by admin or their parents, but some people are just not worth it. esp kids. some kids just don't learn until they grow up and life knocks them on their ass.

...or they grow up and luck out and learn that they can be a self-centered douchebag with no major consequences... my FaVoRiTe kind of people......

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by MSCS; ; Report