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Category: Life

Questionare (from tae)

1. tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?

I'm currently not into anyone atm

2. what on your body is hurting or bothering you? 

My lower back (cramps)

3. what was your last thought before going to bed last night? 

What the new set is for Switch Sports

4. what are you listening to? 


5. what’s something you’re not looking forward to? 

Going back to work (yes I need the money, but management and customers are bs)

6. where do you think your best friend(s) is right now? 

She's at work

7. have you kissed anybody in the last five days? 

My hamster :3

8. sex on the first date? 

Why not?

9. kiss on the first date? 

Why not?

10. is there one person you want to be with right now? 


11. are you seriously happy with where you are in life? 


12. is there something you would like to say to someone? 


13. what are three things you did today? 

It's only 9:20. I just made myself a coffee and turned my Switch on

14. would you rather sleep at a friend’s or have them over? 

Have them over

15. what is your favorite kind of gum? 

Gum gives me headaches so I don't usually chew gum at all

16. are you friends with any of your ex-boyfriends/ girlfriends? 


17. what is on your wrists right now? 

I have 2 4Ocean bracelets on and another bracelet with the evil eye on it

18. ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with? 


19. does anyone have strong feelings for you? 

Probably hatred lol

20. are you slowly drifting away from someone? 

I'm not sure

21. have you ever wasted your time on someone? 

Many times

22. can you do the alphabet in sign language? 


23. how have you felt today? 


24. you receive $60 without any reason, what do you spend it on? 

I don't. I'm cheap with money. That's going straight into my bank account

25. what is wrong with you right now? 

How much time do you got?

26. is there anyone you’re really disappointed in? 


27. would you rather have Starbucks or Jamba Juice right now? 

We don't have Jamba Juice here but we do have Booster Juice and I'd rather have that than overpriced coffee

28. why aren’t you in ‘love’ with your last ex anymore? 

She openly cheated on me

29. how late did you stay up last night and why? 

Midnight, I was watching CSI

30. when was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? 

Just a few seconds ago

31. what were you doing an hour ago? 


32. what are you looking forward to in the next month? 

My brother's birthday!

33. are you wearing jeans right now? 

I don't even own a pair of jeans...

34. are you a patient person? 

It depends on the situation

35. do you think you can last in a relationship for three months? 


36. favorite color? 


37. did you have a dream last night? 


38. are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants? 

PJ pants

39. if the person you like and your ex were in the same room, what would you do? 

Ignore the ex and go talk to the person I like, duh

40. do you love anyone who is not related to you?



1) Favorite horror movie?

Silence of the Lambs

2) Scariest place to be outside at night where you live? 

Down by the park/ravine. I would NOT want to be down there. Not only could there be people down there, but we also have coyotes in the area

3) Any animal fears? 


4) When you were younger what were you afraid of?

The basement, dolls, I thought there was a shadow person standing outside my window at night watching me sleep

5) When you were younger how did you cope with your fears? 

I would go down to the basement myself and try to stay and play down there even if I felt scared. Dolls I didn't have a choice because they were a common gift given to me.

6) Is a basement or attic scarier to you? 


7) Ever have recurring nightmares?

Yes - my teeth fall out or a plane crashes right beside me

8) Favorite old horror film? 

Silence of the Lambs, The Exorcist, Carrie

9) Are you comfortable being at home alone? 


10) Has the fear of something ever kept you up all night? 


11) When you imagined monsters when you were younger what did they look like? 

Shadow people

12) Do you sleep with one foot out of the covers or both under? 

I sleep with both feet out (come and get me demons)

13) What is your natural response upon hearing a loud crash in your house? 

I jump. I have hypersensitivity to sounds due to PTSD

14) Have you ever played any horror games? (The Midnight Man, One Man Tag, Three Kings, Kokkuri-San) 

No but I've watched a bunch of gameplay of different horror games

15) Top 5 scariest noises to hear when you’re alone? 

Baby crying, dogs barking, door opening, MUSIC, dead silence

16) Pick a horror movie and explain how you would survive. 

Carrie - simply do not bully people

17) Do you have pre-planned hiding places in your house for scary situations? 

Not really lol

18) Have you experienced any paranormal happenings? 

Yes, many

19) Do you believe in ghosts? 


20) Are there any spots in your house you are to afraid to be? 

Not really

21) Any recommendations for horror films? 

X, Pearl, Midsommar, The Lighthouse, Nope, Get Out, Us

22) Do you prefer gore or thrillers? 


23) What did your parents tell you about monsters when you were young? 

That they could only stay in the closet and not pass the door

24) Are you a fan of jump scares? 


25) What is your go-to for horror entertainment? 

Stuff I've seen a billion times. It's hard for me to watch new movies because what if it sucks? And then I just wasted an hour+ of my time

26) Do you believe aliens or other life forms exist? 


27) Have you read Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark? If so what was your favorite or what was the scariest story? 

Yes but that was a long time ago and I don't remember any of the stories. Was the girl with the green ribbon part of that??

28) Have you ever been near a murder scene? 

We did have multiple crime scenes down at said park from above and that park is less than a minute away from me sooo

29) Would you ever spend the night in an abandoned building? 

Maybe if I was paid $$$

30) Are you superstitious? 

Yes. I will not walk under ladders, I blow cinnamon into my door on the first day of every month, I always wear an evil eye (I should just get one tattooed at this point), I throw salt over my shoulder. I'm wary about Friday the 13th even though 13 is my lucky/favorite number

31) Have you ever had a fortune told to you that came true? 


32) Do you sleep with your window open? 

In the summer, yes

33) Have you ever trespassed onto private property late at night? 


34) Would you ever stay overnight in a place that is said to be haunted? 

Once again, pay me first

35) Do you ever have dreams/nightmares that end up occurring in real life? 


36) Have you ever worked in a haunted house? If not have you wanted to? 

No - I don't think I'd mind

37) Have you ever seen something super spooky and unexplainable? 


38) Scariest horror game you’ve played? 

I don't really play horror games

39) What do you do for Halloween? 

I dress up, decorate and hand out candy (went out trick or treating when I was younger)

40) What were you on Halloween? 

Jesse Pinkman

41) Ghosts or Ghouls? 


42) Do you have any phobias? 

Not that I know of

43) While on the subject of phobias, do you have any things you want people to tag for safety? 

Ya'll are good <3 Just centipedes

44) Have you ever used an Ouija Board? If so did anything happen during your experience? 

I own 3 and nothing crazy happened. The planchette just moves around

45) Favorite horror movie antagonist? 

Hannibal Lector (from the movies)

46) Favorite horror musical? 


47) Zombie apocalypse weapon of choice? 

Baseball bat or something close range

48) Have you ever read Goosebumps? 


49) What would be your back story if you were the killer in a horror movie? Why are you killing people? 

I'm a Lesbian. I'm not killing people, I'm killing boys 💗 (go watch Jennifer's Body)

50) Have you ever gone ghost hunting?

No but I want to!

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