so ive come to the realization after crying my eyes out that im really not okay, and no matter how much i pretend or how much i say i am, im just not.
theres just a lot of things people dont know about me and nobody ever gets it.
they dont know that i cry myself to sleep every single night without miss
they dont know that i have sudden anxiety attacks
they dont know i self harm
they know nothing
my reasoning for not being okay isn't simple theres always more to it
its just a lot
and nobody understands it..
nobody understands me
why is it so hard
i want help
i need help
but i never get the help i truly need
none of it matters really
i'll continue on
i'll continue to be sad
i'll continue the lies
and say i'm okay
and say that i'm fine
when its not true
im a terrible liar
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Me being a sellout ong ong 🧍