RedTurtle13's profile picture

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Category: Life

About meee


name: Elizabeth

nickname: Beta, Betty, Bet, Bets, Liz (only my co-workers call me this but I secretly hate it), Betty-lou

age: 30

pronouns: She/her/they/them

birthday: April 26th

siblings: 2 

straight/bi/gay: Lesbian

job: I work at a college bookstore


hair color: Dark brown but dyed "natural" red (so not like a bright cherry red)

eye color: Hazel

height: 5’3"

ethnicity: White (Italian/Irish/Canadian - not Indigenous, Newfoundland and born in Ontario)

look like a celeb: I've had a waitress at Applebee's tell me I look like Avril Lavigne, and two classmates tell me I look like Jennifer Carpenter and Rita Hayworth (but that was when I had long hair and used to straighten know, trying to come across as straight lol)

dye your hair: Yes, red

have bangs: Never have and never will

have braces: I did

wear glasses: I do

wear contacts: Used to (sometimes I do, usually now only for cosplay)

piercings: 3 on each ear (4 cartilage and my lobes) and my nose ring

tattoos: 6


Color: Red and green

Movie: Joe's Apartment

TV show: X-Files, TMNT, Dexter, CSI Las Vegas, Shameless, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Magic City, The Young Pope, etc. etc.

animal: Turtles

drink: Green tea

food: Potatoes, give them to me any which way

alcoholic drink: Caesars

car: I literally do not care

day of the week: Saturday

season: Autumn

song: Anything Green Day

sport: Hockey, fishing, yoga

restaurant: La Carnita, St. Louis Bar and Grill, I like eating at home sooo

teacher: Ms. Skjold-Petersen (grade 8 teacher who told me my writing matters, even if it's for myself)

subject: English

holiday: Halloween

book: Green Angel - Alice Hoffman

flower: Lily of the Valley

memory: Being on vacation with my entire family


person you hugged: My Mom

thing you said: I say a lot of things, I can't remember xD

food you ate: Donut

texted: My bff

you called: I never call anyone xD But it was most likely my Mom 

called you: Spam

person you saw: My brother

you had a long conversation with: My bff - we talk all day, every day


summer or winter: Summer

cats or dogs: Dogs

Pepsi or Coke: I don't drink any pop/carbonated drink

cell phone or Ipod: Cell phone

ocean or pool: Ocean

black or white: Black

chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

flowers or candy: Flowers

rock or rap: Rock

TV or movie: TV

stars or hearts: Hearts

bracelets or necklaces: BOTH

gold or silver: Silver (gold reminds me of old Italian women)

kisses or hugs: Hugs

pen or pencil: Pen


smoked: that zaza

failed a test: The test of life? yeah

stayed home from school: Not in school anymore 😭

been to the mall: Yes!

bought a book: Yes (I thrift books, they're so much more cheaper!)

been to a show/concert: No

yelled at someone: Yes

got into a fight/argument: Yes

cried to a friend: No

told the truth: Yes

lied: Yes


TV: Yes

your own phone: Yes

your own phone line: No

VCR: No, but I do have one it's just not plugged in

DVD player: Yes

radio: Two

computer: Laptop

posters: My walls are COVERED in them

of what?: 2 Daredevil, Captain Marvel, 2 of Negan, Thor, 2 Moon Knight, 2 TMNT

pictures: No 

of who?: I don't like keeping pics of real people in my room idk why


taken or single: Single babey 😎

got a crush: Celeb, yeah. Real life? Fuck no

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