Social Restructure

Blood in the streets. Accounts running dry. Families are fighting with each other with tears in their eyes. But the crying isn’t from fear or sadness, it seems. Instead it’s from division from political teams. Trump sent this country into a death spin and tried to start a war that neither side would win. Democrats and Republicans  and everyone between have forgotten what it means to be human beings. Love thy neighbor or whatever Christians preach doesn’t mean shit unless it fits what they think. Religion and politics seem like a cult. And atheists and anarchists try to revolt. We have to stop letting division run us into the ground and start making decisions based on everyone else around. We have to start being the change we want to see if there’s any hope for a tomorrow that includes you and me.

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Jacob's profile picture

very beautifully written!! represents exactly what I'm feeling

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Regular Ass Raymond

Regular Ass Raymond's profile picture

It's a nice poem type beat ♡ reminds me of Marlon Bundo book

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