CSS/HTML Codes: to customize your account with basic front-end programming
In the about me section*
<style> & </style> should be at the beginning or end of your programming respectively
use this format import fonts css fonts from google**
@import url('import direct url');
headers can be changed individually to different fonts or in group like shown below***
font-family: 'font name as written in google', font type i.e. cursive/italicized ;
font-size: font size measured in pixels px;
color: color used through css color picker
font-family: 'same as above', same as above ;
font-size: same as above px;
color: same as above
cursor can be customized for all who access you page
body {
cursor: url(import .cur link), default;
this background is the one shown as "THE PRETTIEST GIRL IN THE MORGUE"
background: url(color used through css color picker or direct url to image as .jpg if url before is deleted);
this background is the one shown as "NIGHT MAGIC"
.profile {
background: url(color used through css color picker or direct url to image as .jpg if url before is deleted);
this is the banner shown above my page reading "THIS IS GARBAGE"****
main:before {
width: 100%;
height: size in pixels px;
display: block;
content: "";
background-image: url('insert direct link as .jpg');
background-position: center center;
background-size: cover;
this is the banner shown at the bottom of my page reading "THE END"
border-radius: size in pixels px;
background-image: color used through css color picker or direct url to image;
color: same as above;
or you can format like below
footer {
border-radius: same as abovepx;
background: url(same as above) !important;
display: block !important;
to change "ONLINE" logo
.online { visibility: hidden; } .online img { content: url("insert direct url to gif"); animation-name: ("here"); visibility: visible; height: 40px; width: 40px;
this is used to make the blurbs and friends sections different colors***
.profile .blurbs .heading, .profile .friends .heading {
background-color: color used through css color picker;
color: same as above;
or to change background into an image
.blurbs {
background: url(direct url to image as .jpg);
border-radius: size in pixels px;
this is to make the contact section a different color
.profile .contact .heading, .profile .table-section .heading, .home-actions .heading {
background-color: color used through css color picker;
color: same as above;
padding: size in pixels px size in pixels px;
this is to change the color of the table section on the left
--lighter-blue: color used through css color picker;
--lightest-blue: same as above;
url info section color
.profile .contact, .profile .url-info, .profile .table-section, .home-actions {
width: 100%;
border: size in pixels px line type i.e. solid followed by color used through css color picker;
margin: size in pixels px 0;
used to modify details table
.details-table td:first-child {
background: color used through css color picker;
color: same as above;
font-weight: bold or italicized;
width: 33%;
use to align the details table
.details-table td {
background: color used through css color picker;
vertical-align: top;
used to change the "SPACEHEY" logo at the top
.logo {
background: color used through css color picker;
used to change friend section background
.friends:not(#comments) {
grid-area: friends;
background: url(direct url to image as .jpg);
border-radius: size in pixels px
*everything that is italicized and/or underlined is not part of the codes and should be either replaced or altogether deleted it is intended to be a note
**repeat for all fonts you want included
***h5 is header 5, h4 is header etc.
****to make transparent use the following in place of color: rgba(red, green, blue, transparency)
- Imgur is a good resource for uploading images and getting their direct links to insert.
- Animation of elements
- GIFs
- CSS Color Picker
- Google Fonts
- Cursors
- aliraluna blog
- missodessa blog
- Bela blog
- Electra blog
- ˣ¥ˣ•ᴹʳˢ.ᴷ•ˣ¥ˣ blog
Disclaimer: This is not the ultimate guide, I am just trying to make it easier than it was for me. Links I used can be accessed through the blue underlined words, I am not sponsored, affiliatiated, nor supported by any.
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