Bleach Karaoke Madness Chapter 7

Chapter 7: I Want To Tell You My Feelings

"Hmm, what song do I want to sing?" thought Orihime as she looked through the songs. As she searched for the song she wanted to sing, Orihime thought about everything she had been through with Ichigo and the others. She loved Ichigo, but always felt she was in his way and had never had the courage to tell him her true feelings. "Somehow, I don't have a very good feeling about this." Ichigo replied, an uneasy edge to his voice. Rukia rolled her eyes, "What's so bad about it Ichigo, what do you think is going to happen?" "Hey, I've never seen Orihime sing before. This should be fun," Rangiku siad, waiting anxiously. Finally Orihime found a song that she wanted to do, putting her request in, she waited for the music to start. Soft music began to play as Orihime started to sing,

"Out here in the quiet of the night, beneath the stars and moon.

We both know we've got something on our minds.

We won't admit, but it's true.

You look at me, I look away.

I want to tell you what I'm feeling, but I don't know how to start.

I want to tell you, but now I'm afraid that you might break my heart.

Why should anything so easy ever be so hard to do?

I want to tell you what I'm feeling, and to say that I love you."

Everyone was drawn in by how well Orihime could sing, her voice was soft and flowing. The music had a soft, quiet beat and made it very easy to hear the words, "Orihime has a beautiful voice," Rukia commented. Ichigo nodded, "Yeah, this is the first time I've ever heard her sing." "Go Orihime!" Rangiku shouted, clapping as Orihime sang. Orihime blushed at the comment and continued on,

"I practice all the things that I could say, line by line...every word.

I tell myself today could be the day,

But every time, I lose my nerve.

I look at you, you look away.

I want to tell you what I'm feeling, but I don't know how to start.

I want to tell you, but now I'm afraid that you might break my heart.

Why should anything so easy ever be so hard to do?

I want to tell you what I'm feeling, and to say that I love you."

Orihime put all her feelings in as she sang the words, she always worried about being in Ichigo's way. It felt as though he were always protecting her, but she knew he would, despite anything else. "You know who the song is directed toward, don't you Ichigo?" Renji questioned looking over at him.

Ichigo was taken aback by the question, "No, why would I?" "Don't be so dense Ichigo, the song is directed for you." Uryuu answered. "What, you really think so?" asked Ichigo. Uryuu sighed, "Don't tell me you're so dense that you've never noticed Orihime's feelings for you? You're always there to protect her, but she's never had the courage to tell you how she really feels." As Orihime went into the last verse and chorus of the song, she thought back on everything. How she wished she could gather her courage to tell Ichigo her true feelings, how her heart fluttered whenever he spoke to, or looked at her. "I wish you knew my true feelings Ichigo, I'll always do my best to help you out no matter what." Orihime thought.

"Why...why do you turn away?

It must be you're afraid like me,

I try, but I can't pretend that I

Don't feel for you the way I do, can't you see?

I want to tell you what I'm feeling, but I don't know how to start.

I want to tell you, but now I'm afraid that you might break my heart.

Why should anything so easy ever be so hard to do?

I want to tell you what I'm feeling, and to say that I love you.

I want to tell you what I'm feeling, but I don't know how to start.

I want to tell you, but now I'm afraid that you might break my heart.

Why should anything so easy ever be so hard to do?

I want to tell you what I'm feeling, and to say that I love you...I love you."

As Orihime put the microphone back and walked off stage, Rangiku ran up to her. "Hey Orihime, great song!" Smiling and blushing slightly Orihime replied, "Thanks Rangiku, I'm glad you think so. I can't really sing that well, but it was fun."

"That was very good Orihime," Uryuu told her, smiling. "Thanks Uryuu, what about you Ichigo? What did you think of the song?" questioned Orihime, looking at Ichigo anxiously. "Um, well..." Ichigo stuttered, blushing slightly. "It was good, you're a good singer." Orihime smiled and blushed brightly, "Really Ichigo, you think so?" "Yeah, well sit down already. Why are you just standing there?" Ichigo answered, awkwardly looking away. "Ichigo is clueless when it comes to girls," Renji sighed. "And your surprised Renji, he's as clueless as you when it comes to relationships." answered Rukia. "Hey, what do you mean by that? I know how to handle girls and relationships." Renji answered, annoyed. Rukia raised her eyebrow, "Oh please Renji, you're hopeless when it comes to approaching girls and you know it."

"Well Grimmjow, it seems you're letting these stupid Soul Reapers get away with taking the spotlight." Nnoitora sneered. Grimmjow growled, "Shut up, I'll show all of you!" "This is really a lot of fun, I can't wait to develop all these photos tomorrow." Gin said happily. Aizen glanced over at him, "I do think you're having a little too much fun with this, you should go up and enjoy yourself in a song or two." "Come on now Captain Aizen, if I sing, then who's going to take pictures?" questioned Gin. "Besides, singing ain't really my thing ya know?"

"I'm sure you can find someone to take pictures in your absence," Aizen answered. "Well, I'll tell ya what. If you go up and do a little something, then I'll be more then happy to follow with one of my own." Gin proposed. Aizen thought about that, "Hmm, very well then Gin. You have a deal," "What a minute Captain Aizen, I didn't say that was my whole deal now did I?" Gin asked. Aizen raised an eyebrow, "Oh? There's more Gin?"

Gin grinned, "Of course, I want you to perform something and dress in costume while you sing. Do that, and I'll be more then happy to join in a song of my own."

"Hmm, you drive a hard bargain Gin...alright then. I'll dress up for my performance, however you then have to keep to your end of the deal." Aizen answered. "With pleasure Captain Aizen," Gin agreed.

"Hey Captain, I wanna sing another song." Rangiku whined. "Well then go up there and sign up," answered Hitsugaya. "But Captain, I don't want to sing alone again." she said, then Rangiku brightened. "I know what, Captain will you go up with me?" "No, get someone else to sing with you. I'm not here to make a fool out of myself," Hitsugaya stated flatly. Rangiku pouted, "Aww, come on Captain please? I don't want to be by myself." "Oh come on Toshiro, how bad can it be? It's just one song," Momo encouraged. "Stop calling me Toshiro, it's Captain Hitsugaya and I hate performing so why would I want to do it in front of the entire Gotei, not to mention our enemies?" Hitsugaya asked, annoyance in his voice. "Come on Captain, it's not that bad." Rangiku persisted, before turning to Izuru, Momo, and Shuhei. "Come on guys, help me here." "Um, I'm not going to get involved. I would rather not be on Captain Hitsugaya's bad side." replied Izuru. "Come on Captain, it's a chance for all of us to have fun. It's just one song, is it really going to be that bad?" Shuhei questioned. Rangiku pouted, "Please Captain?"

Hitsugaya sighed, "Alright already, I'll go up with you but that's it. Don't be expecting anything else." "Sure thing Captain, this will be fun." Rangiku said happily, a mischievous smile crossing her face that only Izuru noticed. "I have a feeling Rangiku has more in mind," "That's very likely possible knowing her, I wouldn't doubt it." Shuhei agreed. "At least we get to see Toshiro having fun," replied Momo. Rangiku ran up to the stage, Hitsugaya following behind. "Hey someone talked Toshiro into singing." Ukitake noted, smiling. "Wow, I wonder how they managed that." Shunsui answered. While Hitsugaya got ready, Rangiku put her request in and waited for the music to start. A heavy guitar started to play and Rangiku jumped off stage, "Hey, where are you going Rangiku?" Hitsugaya called. Rangiku smiled as she sat down, "It's all on you Captain." Hitsugaya glared at her, "Rangiku!" he said, irritated. "Come on Toshiro, just have fun." replied Momo. Hitsugaya didn't have time to say anymore as the song started.

"Crowded streets all cleared away one by one,

Hollow heroes separate as they run.

You're so cold, keep your hand in mine.

Wise men wonder while strong men die,

Show me how it ends, it's alright.

Show me how defenseless you really are,

Satisfied and empty inside.

Well that's alright, let's give this another try."

"Hey, Captain Hitsugaya can sing." Shuhei stated. "Yeah, he's really good." replied Momo, who had never heard her childhood friend sing. Hitsugaya sang with a very even tone and put feeling and meaning into what he sang, he had vowed revenge on Aizen ever since he betrayed the Soul Society. He had betrayed them all, betrayed the very girl who had admired him for all that time. "Well, I didn't think the kid would sing." said Gin, pausing from taking pictures to look at Aizen. "When his lieutenant is involved it's not that hard," Aizen answered, finishing off his whiskey.

"If you find your family, don't you cry.

In this land of make believe, dead and dry.

You're so cold but you feel alive,

Lay your hands on me one last time.

Show me how it ends, it's alright.

Show me how defenseless you really are,

Satisfied and empty inside.

Well that's alright, let's give this another try."

"Hey, that guy isn't bad up there." Love replied, watching Hitsugaya perform. Rose nodded, pouring himself another beer. "He's doing very well up there," "Well, who among us is daring enough to sing?" Shinji questioned, addressing the group as a whole. Hiyori smacked Shinji with her sandal, "If you want someone to go up, then why don't you do it you dumbass!" "Hey, since when is it my job and don't call me a dumbass!" argued Shinji. "Because you're the so-called leader of this group, and I'll call you a dumbass because you're acting like one dumbass!" Hiyori shouted. "Hey, Captain Hitsugaya looks like he's having fun up there." replied Shunsui. "Yes, that's good because that's why we came here." Ukitake answered, smiling. "I've never heard Toshiro sing, he's pretty good." Ichigo stated. Orihime nodded in agreement, "You're right, he does sound good up there." "Captain Hitsugaya is not going to be happy about this Rangiku," Shuhei commented, sensing the change in Hitsugaya's spiritual pressure. Rangiku waved him off, "Oh come on, at least we got him to have fun." she replied. "Um, I think that was only you Rangiku." Izuru reminded her. Hitsugaya went into the last verses of the song, putting his full meaning into what he sang. He was glad Aizen was here, the bastard would pay, one way or another, for what he had done to them all but most importantly, what he had done to Momo. Hitsugaya would make sure of that, even if it destroyed his friendship with Momo, he would make sure Aizen would pay.

"Show me how it ends, it's alright.

Show me how defenseless you really are,

Satisfied and empty inside.

Well that's alright, let's give this another try.

It's alright,

It's alright.

It's alright,

It's alright!

It's alright!

It's alright!

It's alright!

It's alright!

It's alright."

Finishing the song, Hitsugaya stepped off the stage while everyone in the audience clapped. "That was good Toshiro, I didn't know you could sing." Ichigo commented. "It's Captain Hitsugaya, and my lieutenant was the one who tricked me into singing." answered Hitsugaya, irritably. "Very nice performance," replied Shunsui, as Hitsugaya walked past. Ukitake nodded in agreement, "You have a fine voice Captain Hitsugaya."

"Thank you Captain Kyoraku, thank you Captain Ukitake." Hitsugaya acknowledged as he continued to his seat. Rangiku gave Hitsugaya a tight hug, "That was great Captain, don't you all think so?" Hitsugaya glared at her, "I hope you're happy now, I'm not doing that again." "Aww, come on Captain. Wasn't it fun?" Rangiku asked, putting on an innocent look. "Don't use that with me Rangiku, it won't work." Hitsugaya stated as he sat down. Momo smiled, "That was great Toshiro, I loved it."

Grimmjow growled, "That's it, now it's my turn. I'll show these stupid Soul Reapers how it's done." "Alright then, go right ahead and show them." replied Szayel Aporro. "Well Captain Aizen, are ya going to going to uphold your end of the bargain?" Gin questioned, looking over at Aizen. Aizen smiled, "Very well Gin, as you wish."

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