Seventh week of my dream journal entries


In a pretty wildflower garden with Nihachu (not a particular fan but she's cool); there's a sweet little thatched cottage and the garden is super overgrown and colourful.

Nihachu and i have to take a tiny plane with the Captain from BBC Ghosts. It quickly starts to fall apart (i think we're being attacked?), the plane now consists of the wings, part of the cockpit, part of the sunroof (?), and the small pool (???). I have to hang on for dear life from the sunroof frame, Nikki and i are terrified and the Captain does not care, instead pushing to keep going. I'm controlling the plane with my *mind powers* and it's equally horrifying and fun. The dream deteriorates into minecraft (??????) and some god-awful monster soldiers are flying after us- I think we eventually escape them but we spot these huge primordial beings. Kinda like the monolith from the Vita Carnis project.

The dream skips to after we've crashed and the garden from before has been destroyed. People are trying to replant it but they're using very tight borders and being way too neat and it's upsetting me.


In the themepark from 16-1. Ezra (from YT) is there and I compliment him on his cool blue trans socks. I think he's a little annoyed I'm interrupting his day but he's still very kind. We go downstairs and find a slushy stall with bizarre flavours, blue watermelon and 'new year's fruit' (also blue). Ezra orders blue watermelon for us and he's super excited but you get a dog with that flavour and I don't actually want a dog, so I change my order and get a bunny instead.

We're in my grandmother's old house with my granddad. The house is pretty accurate but way too big and has one floor too many. I see the garden which has been connected to the old playground behind it and for some reason Amouranth is in there (why the fuck am I dreaming about her? Didn't even know I was aware of her existence). I go for a bath, realize I'm dreaming, hope I won't wake up, immediately forget I'm dreaming.

I'm there with someone and we win something (like we get beads in a picture frame?) we have to hide it because people can't find out about it. We end up dumping them in a windowsill in the attic and then go outside to talk to Amouranth. Then the beads get found and everyone is angry at us.


Some bizarre storyline about Cyrille that I can't remember completely, though I think it involved Camden Town and shopping for vintage dresses. We might also have been staying in an abandoned warehouse. At some point I see a recording of myself and my face seems to be covered in red streaks. I have apparently murdered someone (I only later connected the dots between the murder and the streaks) who's been thrown on a couch in the corner of our room. Also, the only things in the room are a mattress and a couch. I consider keeping quiet, but realize that will only make me suspect #1 if the body is found. I go to a tour leader (McGonagall?) but instead of confessing I tell her I just. Found a dead body. She believes me.

Cue exposition montage! The victim is Silas and i think he was an employee of the hotel? (Hotel meaning just straight up empty warehouse). I don't know why I murdered him but he was involved with some shady business and I get a glimpse of an alternate reality where he stayed alive and became part of the canon Cyrille/Colette/Silas throuple. Moral of the story? No clue. Don't murder people or your fictional original characters will never meet?


Mugwort. Three nightmares:

Tour through countryside villages that make up the bulk of meat industry. See people gleefully snap a chicken's neck (multiple different times) and I have to drink it's blood. Wake up in a cold sweat and vow to become a vegetarian (spoiler alert, I forgot about that vow almost immediately- I'm a very picky eater and I already am at risk of malnutrition because of it. So while I do want to cut meat out of my diet I actually just straight up can't).

Nightmare 2: horrible dream about my cat. Don't want to recount it.

Nightmare 3: Mom drops me off for work (in the wrong city). I can't find my way and realize I forgot both my mug and travel card so I won't be able to take public transport home. Run through a grocery store- people think I'm being rude and get upset. Get outside, city is suddenly overrun by WW1 tanks and soldiers. They time travelled and are actually supposed to be there but I'm terrified.


No clue. A face mask treatment that burned my skin? Lots of nightmares again, I think.


fuck if I know


Nightmare about earthquakes. 

Visiting a small community gallery- I'm told I provided two sketches for the showcase (these are bad). The gallery is surprisingly modern and stylish. (I wrote it looks a bit like the archeological museum I sometimes dream of but I don't understand what that means. As far as I can remember I hadn't ever dreamt of a specific archeological museum at this point in time)

I'm in Amsterdam with friends (in tiny little boats?) but I leave them to go to a rave/punk shop (that I have dreamt of before, I actually wish this one was real because their stock was so good). I start chatting with a girl and we discuss the piercings and cute hippy/fantasy tank tops. We end up going to the bookstore across the street; the one that used to be old, narrow, and a few stories high in a decrepit mall. It has now moved to a big, sleek, 3-story minty fresh and stylish shop (you know, the one I dreamt of before?) I think I'd actually found a non-existent copy of my favourite graphic novel in the old location some real world months before. 

0 Kudos


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