Alright everyone, today we have a 2 for 1 review. I bought them used from... EBAY *horror string* (°ロ°)
Some of you guys out there might be cringing at this fact, but for those who don't know...
Avoid buying from eBay unless absolutely necessary! There are many scams and bootlegs there! Also everything there is overpriced.
I rescued these from eBay because the boxes were already open. The bags, however, were not open so I will be treating these like they're new.
With that out of the way, let's begin. These figures were manufactured and sold in 2002! It's hard to believe that these things are old enough to drink in the USA now.
Both Hisui and Kohaku have their regular meido outfits and their festival outfits, so I will be breaking it down into two separate sections (Really it's three but the third one's super short)
Regular outfits:
To shorten the length of this main review page, I have posted some imgur albums with all the pictures. Front and back will be available here, though.
Would I recommend these?
If you're a diehard fan of Tsukihime, yes. They aren't usually too expensive from what I've seen, but keep in mind that may be subject to change as the years go by. I should note that they're almost impossible to find on Western sites but you might get lucky like I did. If not, well there's always Yahoo Auctions and a proxy service. Nevertheless, if you want something tall and high quality, this is not the way to go at all.
Keep in mind that I will be working within the ¥500 price point here. If it were more expensive, I would be far more critical of it. As it stands, I wasn't expecting much to begin with but was very pleasantly surprised.
Sculpture Detail: There's some pretty decent detail given the low production cost. It's not extravagant by any means, but it's very serviceable. They stand at 4" (102mm) tall, which is pretty average for trading figures.
Paint Job: Sloppy at worst and alright at best. Kohaku's sandals are especially egregious and I notice them every time I look at her. Hisui's shoes don't fare much better, but only on her kimono model is it very noticeable. They focused on the eyes primarily, though they did their best with the dresses and that's fine by me.
They made sure to paint Hisui's pantsu with a little ribbon on the front though, which makes me wonder what the production process looked like behind the scenes. Were a bunch of Japanese men huddled in a conference room discussing which parts to paint, and they decided the pantsu needed some extra detail? I guess if I'm noticing it, then their job's been done well.
Dynamics and Articulation: Only the head is really poseable. You can attach the bases together to put both Hisui and Kohaku together in the same display, which I really like. It gets a few more points than Lancelot in this regard, but not many. It's still something that you'll adjust maybe once or twice a year.
For some reason you can take Hisui apart fully. I stumbled across this on accident (which is how I found out about the pantsu ribbon) while swapping the outfits for this review. I don't know what the purpose of this. Maybe it was to save on manufacturing costs? Either way it's a strange thing that is neither negative nor positive.
Kohaku's head is rather loose though, which makes me hesitant to swap out the dresses. Also I'm sure you noticed but one of Hisui's arms is a solid 1/5" above her other hand when it shouldn't be. I can't find many pictures of it online so I will be leaving this blog entry public instead of link only in the hopes that the Google overlords scrape this page and put it in the search results, but I doubt that will happen. Either way, It's hard for me to confirm if these issues are commonplace or if it just happened with age.
also a sneak peek at what's coming next
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i feel like theres a certain charm to these lower quality figs i love em
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There are a fair few type-moon figures that look... terrifying, frankly. The garage kits from 2005 are the worst offender imo but yeah they definitely carry a certain charm to them because of how bad they are.
Some bootlegs are absolutely hilarious, such as the infamous Sader who is both REALLY hard to find and VERY expensive.
by Hisui; ; Report