RedTurtle13's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

survey repost-repost

  1. Place: Beside a lake or in the woods, my bedroom
  2. Person: My bff Sam
  3. Color: Red
  4. Food: Potatoes, chocolate, grilled vegetables
  5. Smell: Lavender, the smell after it rains, crisp fall air
  6. Book: Green Angel - Alice Hoffman
  7. Movie: Joe's Apartment
  8. Music artist: Green Day
  9. Genre of music: Rock
  10. Genre of literature: Anything - I love reading
  11. Magazine: Nature mags/National Geographic
  12. Texture: Anything soft
  13. Time of day: 8pm
  14. Day of the week: Monday
  15. Tumblr: ragnarockz
  16. Thing to do when bored: Read, go for a walk, scroll on Tumblr
  17. Celebrity: They're all kinda trash but as far as crushes go? Megan Fox
  18. Class in school: English
  19. Website other than Tumblr: Instagram
  20. Drink: Tea or Coffee
  21. Precious stone: Emerald
  22. Animal: Turtle
  23. Flower: Lily of the Valley
  24. Time in history: I'd gladly go back to the 90s
  25. Font: Arial 
  26. Video game: Sims 2, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Half Life 2, Hamtaro
  27. TV show: TMNT and the X-Files are my faves
  28. Play: I've only seen: The Lion King, A Midsommar Night's Dream and, Romeo and Juliet
  29. Sound: Crickets at night in the summer, windchimes, rain hitting the window, blizzard hitting the window
  30. Fruit: Cantaloupe
  31. Vegetable: Potato
  32. Store/shop: Thrift stores/antique stores
  33. Article of clothing you own: Thrifted doc martens
  34. Fashion/style: 80s/90s/00s queer mess of a litol dude
  35. Pattern: all the funky patterns on Fire King/Pyrex
  36. Workout: Walking/hiking, yoga, fishing, treadmill, weights
  37. Quote: "Although she be but little, she be fierce."
  38. Historical figure: William Shakespeare
  39. Boy’s name: William
  40. Girl’s name: Lily
  41. Potato chip flavor: Ketchup, All Dressed
  42. Meal of the day: Dinner
  43. Ice cream flavor: Chocolate chip cookie dough
  44. Soda: I don't drink any pop
  45. Popcorn flavor: I don't eat popcorn
  46. Season: Autumn
  47. Month of the year: October
  48. Word: words are fleeting, aren't they?
  49. Disney princess: Ariel
  50. Insult: Go fuck yourself
  51. Joke: My life <3
  52. Cussword: Fuck
  53. Letter: E
  54. YouTube channel: Jaboodydubs/Jaboodyshow - but I do watch a lot of gameplay vids
  55. Eye color: Hazel
  56. Memory: Anything of being a kid, before 16
  57. Dessert: Cake
  58. Candy: Fuzzy peaches
  59. Restaurant: Pho Mi
  60. Lifehack: Make your lunch the night before because you'll be too tired to get your lunch prepped before you leave for school/work
  61. Language: English
  62. Thing to learn about: Mushrooms
  63. Thing about yourself: Resilient, loyal

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