The state of liberal utopias

STD is a fucking mess all over the place. For a brief moment I had hope that we'd explore how the federation deals with actual criminals that have done serious wrong. Mutiny, murder, violating orders, starting wars. You know, a progressive look at criminal reform. NOPE. Let's just ignore that for Spock's brother. ooooof.

TOS was hella progressive and open-minded for it's day.

The movies had a wide spread, from silly comedy to cerebral.

TNG was the pinnacle of what I thinkĀ  Bradburry's liberal utopia could be.

DS9 was a darker, edgier version that I thought was alright since it's on the frontier. This is Star Trek OUTSIDE of the federation. Uncivilized space. But this trend just keeps going.

VOY was literally far off and away from the federation. A lone spark of moral codes in a region that by and far had none.

Then Abrams destroyed canon.

Even Picard shows a dysfunctional corrupt and backwards starfleet. Jon Luc is pissed that Starfleet has changed. (An alright show, just skip the last episode. Just don't. Accept that there is no payout for any of that mystery.

Lower Decks is the closest we've got to that TNG feel, but even then it's pretty irreverent. Dysfunction is all over the place and routinely used as a comedy bit. Sorta corporate office humor stuff. But it's irreverent like ST:IV, it's a comedy. I like it.

But yeah, all in all I think writers are just lazy. They NEEEEED families to by dysfunctional so they have some source of drama to play off of. Of course authority is both full of shit AND incompetent, how else will our characters shine? I dunno if this is all projections of their own failed lives or cynical bent. But that liberal utopia which Roddenberry imagined is all but gone. And I think that's exactly what a lot of people would like to have right now.

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