― ★ BASIC INFO ★ ―
name: Nathan!!
nickname: Mothsu, Moth, OTHERNICKNAMES FOR NATHAN..
age: 19
pronouns: He/him!!
birthday: June 5th
siblings: NONE!!
straight/bi/gay: aroace!!
job: Self-employed artist :P
hair color: Brown!
eye color: Blue!
height: 5'3" lawl
ethnicity: British white
look like a celeb: n o
dye your hair: i want to...
have bangs: no
have braces: no
wear glasses: i SHOULD but i DONT
wear contacts: no
piercings: 7 - Septum, both nostrils, bridge, eyebrow, n basic lobes :P
tattoos: 1 of some leaves on my hand, i need MORE
color: Turquoise/cyan
movie: Puss in bots...
tv show: Inside job, b99, breaking bad
drink: TEA...
food: pasta.
alcoholic drink: straight vodka
car: do i look like a straight person to you
day of the week: i love Friday's vibes
season: WINTER.
song: Know me - Sean Altman
sport: fishin..
restaurant: IDK.
teacher: my y6 teacher
subject: english (im a nerd)
holiday: meh
book: they both die at the end by adam silvera
magazine: meh
memory: shrug
last person you hugged: we dont talk abouyt him
thing you said: iwas saying goodnight.....
thing you ate: pizza pockets
texted: a worm
you called: my dad?!?
called you: my dad
person you saw: euguhb
you had a long conversation with: a worm probably
― ★ THIS OR THAT ★ ―
summer or winter: WINTER
cats or dogs: BIRDS (i like both dogs and cats i have both)
Pepsi or Coke: pepi
cell phone or Ipod: phone
ocean or pool: ocean i want to see the creechures
black or white: blue
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
flowers or candy: candy
rock or rap: i like both!
TV or movie: i like both but my attention span appreciates movies more
AIM or MySpace: spacehey bay bee
stars or hearts: STARS ★★★★★
bracelets or necklaces: i have 8 bracelets and 3 necklaces on rn
gold or silver: SILVER ALWAYS
kisses or hugs: HUGS!
pen or pencil: pencil
smoked: ? maybe ?
failed a test: no
stayed home from school: i am not in school
been to the mall: no
bought a book: perhaps?
been to a show/concert: n o
yelled at someone: yes
got into a fight/argument: yep
cried to a friend: no ?
told the truth: ye
lied: MAYEB???
― ★ IN YOUR ROOM ★ ―
tv: yes
phone: yes
your own phone line: no
vcr: no
dvd player: no
radio: no
computer: yeeees
posters: many
of what?: literally all of birds
pictures: no
of who?: nope
taken or single: single
got a crush: no LOL
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